Weight Loss Ideas From Ancient Times
One of the most prevalent modern health issues is obesity. It affects a large percentage of the world population that it has now reached a point when it can no longer be overlooked. In order to counter the many threats of obesity, many contemporary methods have been contrived by industry experts who painstakingly seek to provide a way out of this dilemma.
But as what they say, it never hurts to look back especially in terms of life threatening health concerns. With that said, here are some Weight loss tips from the bowels of history that are slowly gaining much respect and consideration from present day health practitioners and researchers.
Ma Huang: Chinese Weigh Loss Herb
Considered as one of the oldest civilizations, China has been the cradle of many ancient health practices and natural treatments. One of these ancient Chinese treatments that have been recognized by the 21st century man is Ma Huang. Believed to have unique properties that can directly and indirectly fight obesity, Ma Huang has inspired following from a niche market who are intent in losing excess pounds. The substance is said to have thermogenic property which aids in burning fats and enhances the processes of digestion and metabolism. Moreover, it has also been found out that Ma Huang increases the pulse rate which facilitates perspiration- a process that flushes out excess fluids.
Another noteworthy entry from the list of ancient weight loss ideas, acupressure is yet another facet of the vast Chinese medicinal culture. Experts have recognized that this treatment can be used in dealing with obesity by targeting one’s appetite, digestion, and metabolism. Through specific pressure points, it is believed that acupressure can get rid of negative emotions which are highly correlated with unhealthy eating. By eliminating this harmful inclination toward unconstructive feelings, the person suffering from such condition can discover a healthier relationship with food. The most widely used pressure points in dealing with weight concerns are Appetite Control Point, Spleen 6, Spleen 9, Stomach 36, Liver 3, and Large Intestine 11. Each of these pressure points is located in a particular part of the body’s exterior.
Hoodia Gordonii
A type of Hoodia, the Hoodia Gordonii which is derived from cactus is said to contain natural appetite suppressant. For thousands of years, it has been used by the San Bushmen of the Kalahari for their tribe’s hunting expeditions and is considered to have a certain molecule that is many times more active than glucose. Such composition causes the midbrain to think that it’s full even when no food intake has been made.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Credited to the Egyptians and is said to have been used as medicinal source for as early as 3,000 BC, apple cider vinegar is a proven and effective cleansing agent.
Otherwise known as the ancient practice of Mindfulness, hypnosis can allow a person to gain awareness and eliminate his or her dependent on food when dealing with stress or depression.
Weigh loss practices and diet solutions always have their pros and cons, therefore enough knowledge and expert advice is needed so as to avoid unfavorable and unforeseen side effects.
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How to Increase Your Height at Home
Some people are very sensitive about height issues and that is because of the popularity of tall and skinny models and sportsmen. Some people find being tall a great advantage. In the recent decades, it still has been a big factor for the perception of ideal beauty even if models like Kate Moss have placed normal height people to the spotlight. The pursuit to be tall is determined primarily by genetics. There is nothing you can do about there are some methods that you can do to increase your height or capture the illusion of height.
Lose weight
When you have extra flaps of fat giving you double chin and shorter limbs, you look wider than taller. If you wish to capture the illusion of being tall, then try to lose some weight. You can do this by having a good diet and exercise. The most important part of the routine is stretching. Target all parts of the body when doing your exercise and stretches. When you activate your muscles, you produce human growth hormones that help in repairing your tissues. Do not bulk up your body too much. Your target is to become lean and slim, creating a more sinuous line all across. A good posture will also help in achieving a beautiful line, a taller look and more regal appeal.
Wear your heels (women)
Let’s face it, even if we do our yoga and other stretching exercises, they can only help so much. If you wish to achieve an instant height, then, for women, wear some heels. If you are an office lady, then wearing heels with long, slimming pants can create the illusion of length. You can also purchase wide legged jeans and wear classic heels to achieve a dramatic look. If you hate the feeling of wearing heels, wear platforms or those with elevated soles. This will create the illusion of length while keeping your feet comfortable.
Wear your insoles (both sexes)
Men might not wear heels unless they prefer to but if you want to get a few inches taller, you might want to buy insoles that can be placed on your shoes. This will help in creating instant height and make you a lot taller. You can combine them with other shoes, just as long as you feel that they are comfortable enough.
It’s all in the proportions
Accentuating your legs can really lengthen your look. For guys. Do not wear baggy clothing. They will look droopy and this will not help you in achieving the illusion of height. The waist should be accentuated and not hidden in fabric. For women, it is necessary to learn to understand that there are some clothes and lengths that could shorten the legs or make them longer. Even if something is trendy, if it will make you stumpy, either not wear them or adjust the length.
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Hair Transplant Clinic
Finding the right hair transplant clinic can seem like a daunting task. There is a lot of research to do in order to make sure you are putting your surgery in good hands. You need to choose a clinic with a good reputation, a great doctor, and helpful support staff. On top of that, you will likely want to have your procedure done at a reasonable cost. The trick is to find a practice that offers a good mix of all of the above, while giving you the results that you desire.
Researching the reputation of a specific hair transplant clinic can be tough because there are not a lot of people who want to admit that they had a transplant, let alone give a review of the service they received. You can search through the websites of popular clinics and find some testimonials on their sites, along with before and after pictures. The problem here is that the clinic is obviously not going to post negative reviews on their site.
In order to find honest reviews you may have to search forums and other review type sites. People are more likely to post their reviews anonymously on the internet because it is not so risky for them. This is your best chance to get a feel for the reputation of the doctor, and how previous patients rate his or her work. Prepare for a long night of research because you will be reading several reviews before you get an idea of the general consensus on a particular doctor.
It is equally important to read reviews about the support staff at the hair transplant clinic. These are the people that will be assisting you with any special needs, and they may be performing parts of the procedure as well. You will expect nothing less that cheerful and helpful service, so make sure you choose a practice that offers this to their patients. There is nothing worse than spending a huge amount of your hard earned money and then being treated like nobody.
As far as cost for the procedure goes, it is a balancing act. Obviously you do not want to sacrifice too much quality just to save a few dollars. On the other hand you may have a limited budget, and therefore cannot afford the best of the best. If you find that you just cannot afford a quality doctor, you may have to postpone your surgery until you can afford a procedure that you will be pleased with. Just remember that a higher price does not always mean better. Your research will likely uncover some great hair transplant clinics that offer a reasonable price range.
Spend some quality time finding a clinic that is right for you, and you will thank yourself in the end. You are making a massive investment in your confidence and style, so be sure that you do it right. Your ideal hair transplant clinic is out there, and with some work you should be able to find it.
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Anxiety Disorder – How to Get Over Your Fear
There’s no battle to fight, except of your own making! What I’m referring to is your almost autonomic response to fight your anxiety or panic attacks. Reaction to thoughts is what keeps people constantly sensitized. They become so afraid of their own reaction to the thought that they will do everything they can to fight it, to try and stop it from coming. But, this is impossible. People cannot stop that first thought from coming. Just like they can’t stop their heart beating or their hair from growing. Heck, they can’t even make themselves have a panic attack. If you don’t believe me, go ahead and try to make yourself have a panic attack, it’s impossible!
But, they can stop adding second fear. “Oh my God, I’m going crazy or losing my mind.”
This is the habit and this is what must be stopped. You’re not allowing it to “be.” If you allow it to be, it will not be so terrible, in fact, you will soon forget it. They should let the first thought flash. Leave it be, leave it unresolved and go on with whatever they were doing. Responding emotionally, and trying to figure it out is what keeps it going. This means to float through the first thought, don’t analyze it, don’t try and figure it out. STOP adding constant second fear to the thought. This is what frightens. This produces anxiety and feeds the body with an excessive outflow of adrenaline, keeping them sensitized, keeping their nerves ready to fire panic.
So what should one do?
He/She should let the first thought come. Practice floating, stop adding second fear. It’s not easy at first, they’re going to add second fear for a while and a LOT of it, because it’s their habit. They’ll even add second fear sometimes subconsciously, without noticing it. They should accept even that. They have a habit of adding fear to fear. Building their own crisis. As Dr. Weekes says, “Practice masterly inactivity.” Throw up your surrender flag. How can you fight yourself anyway?
Once second fear is stopped and acceptance is put into practice. The body can heal its sensitized state. Are you fighting your anxiety and trying to win? The word fight spells tension, someone has to win and someone has to lose. I’m asking you to completely stand down to your anxiety, let it burn itself out.
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Preventing Asthma Attacks With an Air Purifier
In recent years environmental researchers have done studies that show that in most cases the air we breathe indoors is more polluted then the air outside. There are a few reasons for this; more energy efficient homes, more synthetic materials used throughout our homes, and the chemicals in many of the cleaners used daily.
Because of this increasing indoor pollution people who suffer from asthma are at a greater risk of having an attack inside. One way to solve this problem is to filter, or purify the indoor air. Pollen, dirt, dust, pet dander, mold spores, and bacteria can all trigger an asthma attack and the best way to deal with these airborne threats is with an air filter.
There are many reasons that asthmatics need clean air to combat the effects of their condition. An understanding of the disease helps to clarify just why this is true.
Asthma affects between 3 to 5 percent of the general population at one time in their life. With the exception of newborns it affects all ages and genders equally. It is a condition that causes the bronchioles and bronchi, (the airways in the lungs), to narrow, restricting airflow and causing difficulty breathing.
The symptoms of asthma are pretty well known; trouble breathing, inability to catch ones breath, and a wheezing cough are the main signs of an asthmatic attack. Most asthmatics seem to experience more severe symptoms at night. The severest of attacks cause a sharp increase in respiration rate and a rapid pulse. Unable to speak the asthmatic may also exhibit cyanosis in which the skin starts to turn blue due to the lack of oxygen.
Pollutants and other foreign substances in the air are the main cause of an asthmatic attack. Bronchiole hypersensitivity to these substances is the main trigger point for this disease. Just about any airborne pollutant can trigger an attack; vehicle exhaust, smoke, smog, animal fur and dander, tobacco smoke, ozone, perfumes, and the list goes on. Because of the increasing amounts of airborne pollution both indoors and out asthma is becoming increasingly common around the world.
While steroid inhalers provide sufferers quick relief from the affects of this condition, avoiding the airborne triggers is an important part of the daily management of asthma. For indoor air an air purifier can significantly reduce the amount of irritants an asthmatic is exposed on a daily basis, helping decrease the number and severity of reactions they might have.
There is one type of air purifier that someone with asthma should avoid; ozone producing air cleaners are not recommended as the ozone they produce may trigger an attack.
Preventing asthma attacks with an air purifier is a good way to manage the affects airborne pollutants have on this condition. There are a wide variety of filters on the market today, from single room units to whole house systems, so be sure to research the choices thoroughly to choose the right filtration option for your needs.
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Types of Pimples: A Closer Look At The Enemy
Although they may all look the same, there are different types of pimples out there. It’s important to know what type you’ve got in order to identify the right cure to get rid of those nasty pimples.
Acne Vulgaris
This is the most common type of acne. Scarring from this type of acne may occur if these are not treated immediately and properly.
Whiteheads are formed when pores are completely blocked, trapping the excess sebum oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells. The white appearance occurs because the air is unable to reach the follicle. Whiteheads degenerate within a shorter lifecycle than blackheads.
Blackheads on the other hand occur when pores are only partially blocked, allowing some of the trapped excess sebum oil and dead skin cells to slowly make their way to the surface of the skin. The black color is not a result of the dirt though but rather of the skin’s own pigmentation – melanin interacting with the oxygen in the air. Blackheads are much more stubborn pimples that may take more time to be cleared compare to whiteheads.
Papules are inflamed, red, tender bumps that don’t have heads and should not be squeezed as they are prone to scarring.
Pustules on the other hand are your “garden variety pimple”. It’s an inflamed type of pimple that appears to be a red circle with a white or yellow center.
Severe Acne Vulgaris
This type of pimple is characterized by:
Nodules. Unlike the ones mentioned above, nodule is a type of pimple that is larger in size and quite painful and can last for several months. It appears as large, hard bumps under the surface of the skin and scarring is relatively common. If not treated, nodules may leave impactions, which will allow it to burst every now and then. It’s important to seek the help of a dermatologist in treating nodules as shots of cortisone is administered to reduce inflammation as well as scarring.
Cysts. Acne cyst is similar to nodules but is pus-filled and usually has 5mm diameter or more across.
Acne Rosacea
Often mistaken as Acne Vulgaris, Rosacea is a type of pimple that is reddish in appearance, almost rash-like and is usually limited to the area in the cheeks, chin, nose, and forehead. People in their 30s are usually the victims of this acne. Bumps, pimple, and blemishes may also occur and in some cases blood vessels become more visible through the skin. If left untreated, it can lead to swelling of the nose along with excessive growth tissue, a condition also known as Rhinophyma.
These are just some of the types of pimples and acnes that you might experience. These pimples can be painful and stubborn so performing home remedies may not suffice. Seeking the help of professionals is your best option to ensure that your pimples and acne will be treated accordingly and lessen your chances of getting scars.
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Detecting Kidney Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease appears in five stages, ranging from an early stage with little obvious effect to a final stage where the patient is on life-saving dialysis or awaiting a transplant. Each stage has certain characteristics and means of detection. The more that people know the various signs and effects of being in each stage, the sooner they may get a proper diagnosis from their doctor. Early detection is the best key to effective treatment.
Stage One leaves the patient with 90% kidney function. The person can survive at this level, but it’s still necessary to detect the problem so causes and treatments can be addressed. If they don’t take steps at this point, the disease is very likely to progress to the next level. Stage Two leaves only 60-89% kidney function, as the damage to these organs has increased.
The difficulty is that there are no obvious symptoms of kidney dysfunction at either stage. This may lead to a lack of detection at a crucial time when the disease could have been nipped in the bud, or curtailed before it got much worse. So it’s essential that the person have their regular yearly physical checkups, including urine tests and extensive blood work. Even with no other physical symptoms, these tests can detect:
- elevated creatinine levels (which indicate how well the kidneys are filtering out wastes)
- elevated protein levels (another indication of inefficiency in filtering wastes)
- elevated blood urea nitrogen levels (kidneys take urea from the blood and expel it in the urine, but if the blood levels are high, this is another hint of failing kidneys)
In addition to the potential for early detection with blood and urine tests, high blood pressure is a well known hint of problems with kidney function. In fact, it’s the most often mentioned symptom, which can either cause kidney disease, or be caused by it. So if a person’s blood pressure rises, this can be a spur to doing the urine and blood tests, either to detect kidney disease or rule it out. And all steps (medication, exercise, alterations in diet) must be taken to bring the blood pressure down.
If blood and urine tests indicate a possible problem, doctors can go further and take a kidney biopsy, do a CT scan, or perform an MRI. So even at these early stages, while it’s more difficult, it’s still possible to detect incipient kidney disease. What it takes is vigilance, and thorough, regular checkups.
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Using a Wheat Bag to Treat Arthritis Pain Through Cold and Heat Therapy
Both hot and cold remedies are recommended by doctors when treating arthritis suffering caused by swelling to help take out the stiffness and inflammation and to lessen the pain. Arthritis can be managed with the right balance between both types of therapies.
Wheat bags are the most recommended method for using heat therapy; they can be quickly warmed in a microwave and then ready to use. They can be conformed or moulded to fit the contours of the body. They may also be used for cold therapy simply by freezing them.
Heat and being warm have been linked to relaxing comfort for centuries, and heat therapy does one better by adding healing and pain relief to its benefits in the treating of joint and muscle pain. Relief is almost instantaneous by applying heat to stiff, sore and tight joints and muscles.
Both cold and heat therapies are successful in getting your own body’s healing functions spurred into action. You would use heat when you need to reduce pain in your body, and to lessen the stiffness you might have in your joints. Heat is also great for muscle spasms. What happens is the heat will enlarge your blood vessels, so that more blood can flow through them, speeding up the inflammation necessary to heal. These are the after effects of how your body responds to heat therapy.
What happens when you apply heat to any part of your body is that it joins up with the energy in your body in specific, localized regions. Your metabolism gets higher within all of your various cell types. This heat applied in a local region dilates your blood vessels, which causes more blood flow to occur. Muscle spasms are dealt with my relaxing the tension in key muscle areas, and allow the tendons of the muscle to stretch properly because they are relaxed. This happens because the heat lowers the collagen viscosity in these affected muscles. Collagen is a protein, one of the most common in your body. You can find collagen in tendon and ligaments, skin, the covering of your muscles, cartilage and in your bones. By lowering the viscosity in the collagen when you apply heat to an area, the tendons and muscles soften, allowing those muscles to stretch more comfortably and smoothly. Keep the heat on long enough, and your muscles and tendons enter a very relaxed state so that you can move them better and exercise them back into shape. This is what happens also when you use a wheat bag for heat therapy to heal cramps in your muscles, and in countering the painful effects of joint stiffness. Pain is handled well because heat will slow down and reduce the severity and frequency of pain signals sent from the nerves to the brain. So your brain can easily handle the soreness.
On the other side of things, cold has its benefits as well. Setting a cold compress in an area will counter swelling that is a result of enlarged blood vessels. The cold will do the opposite of heat and constrict those vessels. Cold therapy will numb the injured region and lower the effects of swelling and inflammation. Cold therapy is really good for pain in your joints caused by a flare-up of arthritis. Muscle spasms can also benefit by having the cold increase your body’s tolerance for pain.
There are some people who like cold rather than heat therapy to treat the pain of their arthritis. Others will recommend both, by alternating treatments. The best thing you can do is to try each one, and go with the type of therapy that you find the greatest relief from using.
For joint and muscle stiffness, you’ll want to apply either ice or heat packs to the suffering area two times per day at a minimum, to get the greatest results of relieving your pain. Each session should last from five to ten minutes on the cold compress, but get to it within forty-eight hours of when you first feel the pain, for it to be the most effective in treating it. Heat can be applied during this 48 hour time period also, so that your muscles can be given a chance to relax. Then use heat for any pain and stiffness that goes beyond the initial 48 hours.
A microwave wheat bag is a soothing way to release stress and ease everyday aches and pains. A wheat bag be easily heated in a microwave and then applied to tired joints and aching muscles with the user enjoying the soothing warmth. Wheat bags, heat pads and wheat cushions are a convenient method of applying heat therapy which has been shown to be an effective method for reducing muscle pain and reducing muscle and joint stiffness. They may soothe frozen shoulder and neck pains, give comfort to back or stomach pains, and ease arthritic pain. Wheat bags can also be chilled in a freezer and used as a cold compress as a method of cold therapy to ease sprains, swelling, bruising, headaches and sports injuries.
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The Kyrptonite Factor
I am all “geeked up” about the upcoming summer movie season. Have you seen the movies coming out? This summer Xmen, Captain America, Thor, and Green Lantern will be exploding onto movie screens everywhere! This season looks as if it will be way better than Summer 2010 because between you and I, 2010 sucked big time! I thought Ironman 2 was cool but it seemed to be missing something, don’t ya think? In my opinion, the summer 2011 movie season kicks off May 6th when Thor finally arrives in theaters. I saw the trailers for it late last year and had it “penciled” in on my calendar since then! I get a little excited about these movies because I was a comic book fan when I was younger so if you see more exclamation marks than normal you now know why!!!!!;) I am so glad they’re making these movies when they have the right technology and special effects. At least it’s believable now, and it doesn’t look like those old Godzilla movies where you know there’s a man in a monster suit walking over cardboard buildings on a movie set. TG for technology is all I can say!
Since we are going to be talking about superheroes, let me ask a question? If these heroes are so super why is it they always seem to have a weakness? For Thor, he’s preoccupied with his hammer and tends to lose sight of his other powers. Everyone knows Superman’s achille’s heel is Kryptonite. Even super villains have their weakness. Don’t believe me? Well… Mxyzptlk can be banished to the 5th dimension if he’s tricked into saying his name backwards. You might have to “google” that to find it but if you are an ol’ Superfriends head like me, you won’t need to! I am almost inclined to believe having weaknesses make these characters human so mere mortals like you and I can relate to them. But… I’ve seen many people get caught up into thinking they are indestructible superheroes until a health issue pops up to remind them of their own personal kryptonite. Matter of fact, it happened to me not long ago.
Wheat Allergy Symptoms
Back when I was in the corporate world, I had my share of company meetings. You know the ones where they say the same thing 50 gazillion times but they try to disguise it like it’s new information? Well, part of those meetings and the only good thing about them was lunch was provided free and clear! Who doesn’t like a free lunch every now and then? That lunch would usually be pizza or sandwiches. Now, I have a weakness for pizza and even though I’m lactose intolerant a “brotha” will take a chance every now and then and eat it. Most of time when the lunch was over, the meeting would continue and I would drift into what I called “Wile E Coyoteism.” If you don’t know who that is, it’s the character who always chased the Road Runner but was too slow to catch him. This is exactly how I felt after eating pizza as everything seemed to slow down and sleepiness set in. It was hell fighting sleep in those meetings, let me tell you! It wasn’t until this year I found out I had a gluten sensitive issue mainly through following Sean Croxton’s Underground Wellness blog. Big ups to Sean for bringing this to my attention! I took my suspicion to an alternative doctor and sure enough she confirmed it.
Here are some symptoms I experienced:
*Flatulence (farting… I ain’t scared to say it)
Other effects of wheat allergy or gluten sensitivity may include:
- Skin rash
- Diarrhea
- Bloated Stomach
- Headache
Food allergies can affect different people in different ways. I sat down with a friend of mine and she told me her son would always cry and get emotional and it wasn’t until he was tested and confirmed as having a food allergy that they eliminated the food and thus the symptoms. See how deep this can be!
Celiac Symptoms
Celiac disease which is another way of saying you have an intolerance to gluten can affect the body in different ways depending on the individual. The symptoms can be mild to severe and consist of the malabsorption of minerals and vitamins which can be detrimental to the body’s overall health.
Here are several symptoms of Celiac:
*Weight Loss
*Iron Deficiency
Oddly enough, I have read many times where fitness trainers who train women tell them to eliminate gluten from their diet if they struggle with losing weight. The biggest danger associated with Celiac in my humble opinion is the way it affects the small intestine by damaging the villi (lining of the small intestine) which leads me to believe it may contribute to the breakdown of the immune system since it’s located partly in the digestive system. As a secondary concern, Celiac can lead to malnourishment which is already happening as our foods aren’t as nutrient dense as they once were. So if you have Celiac Disease or suspect you do this is a double whammy!
Celiac Test
Is there a test for Celiac? There sure is and an at home kit can be bought to do it. I would advise against this unless you don’t have a naturopath or alternative health practitioner located in your area. Most conventionally trained doctors don’t test for Celiac and even if you are referred to an Allergist chances are it might involve shots when all you need to do is a simple change of diet and gluten free products to alleviate the symptoms. In any event, seek medical attention before your superhero Thor persona starts looking and feeling like Ol Yeller. Just remember this…allergies are not just a result of sneezing from pollen but can also be attributed to reactions from the food you’ve been eating for years. Be a conscious eater ya’ll! Over and out!
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Tips On How To Grow Taller Fast
Have you tried finding tips on how to grow taller fast on the Internet? If yes then you will be surprised by how many sensible and humorous advice you can get in just a matter of a click. There`s everythig from height enhancing machines to secret height gain formulas that guarantee you instant results. Experts however, caution the general public on some of these scams that are just out to get your money. If you are really looking to find helpful tips on how to grow taller fast, it is first important to know what your body needs to develop to increase your height.
The main part of the body that is responsible for your height and posture is your vertebral column or back bone. It is made of several bones called vertebra and is interconnected by discs and columns. By applying force to elongate and strengthen your back bone you can increase the size of your vertebral discs and thus increase your height by one to two inches. With this in mind, activities and exercises that target the backbone must be your choice to grow taller fast.
Other than the usual stretching exercises and curl ups to elongate your backbone you can also do workouts at the gym to get the most out of exercise equipment that targets the spine. You can use a gym equipment called an inversion table that can help you stretch and do curl ups with maximum resistance to elongate and stretch your back. There are also pull up bars that can be used to hang or stretch in position. Use ankle weights as you hang or do curl ups while hanging from the bar; increase the weights accordingly to maximize the tension on your spinal column. At the gym, you can ride a stationary bicycle with and elevated seat to lengthen your knee cartilages and your spine as well. This is also a great way to speed up your hearth rate and improve your overall health.
Along with everything above, make sure that you’re also getting at least 8 hours of sleep every single night. Sleep is when our bodies release growth hormones and growth hormones are very important for growing taller. That’s why it’s so important that you consistently get a lot of sleep.
If you follow the advice that I’ve just given you in this article then you’ll be able to safely get taller fast.
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