Natural Sleep Aids To Help You Sleep At Night
A night of restful sleep is vital for good health, so if you’re suffering with insomnia, perhaps one of the many natural sleep aids that are available may help you. Not getting enough sleep can affect many areas of your life, such as rendering you less effective at work and making it difficult to concentrate and remember things. Not getting enough sleep can also create a hazard for those around you, and may eventually lead to serious health issues.
More and more people are turning to natural remedies to relieve common problems instead of manmade drugs that may cause undesirable side effects. In many cases, all natural products are even more effective than a prescribed drug.
One of the most common substances used for the treatment of insomnia is called melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that your body naturally produces at night when it comes time for sleep. Melatonin does induce sleepiness, but reactions to melatonin do vary from one individual to another. It is generally considered safe although it does produce some side effects, such as sleepiness during the daytime, nausea, and headaches.
Another substance that is sold over the counter is called Valerian. Valerian is a herb that can be found in capsules, tablets, and even tea form. Valerian can assist with falling asleep faster and also getting more restful sleep. While small studies have been done regarding the effectiveness of Valerian, they seem to be rather uncontrolled and more work needs to be done. Generally thought to be safe, Valerian may interact with certain medications. As with any new substance you introduce, it’s always wise to check with your doctor first.
One of the most overlooked natural sleep aids is the use of exercise. While regular exercise has long been proven to help with weight reduction and the prevention of certain conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, the effects on sleep patterns is also a great benefit. Studies show that people who exercise 3-4 hours before sleep have an easier time falling asleep, and also obtain a more restful sleep, than people who don’t exercise. Regular exercise can offer enormous benefits in all areas of your life, but don’t overlook a good night’s sleep as one of them.
Many people who suffer from insomnia consider relaxation techniques to be effective in helping them achieve a restful night of sleep. Examples of these techniques include yoga, deep breathing exercises, and muscle relaxation. Developing a peaceful and relaxing routine as you work your way to bedtime may help a great deal. Many of us are extremely busy during the day, and it’s hard to slow down and get out of that type of routine. Reading, listening to calming music, and enjoying a cup of decaffeinated tea are examples of how you might slow the pace at the end of the day.
Natural sleep aids can be a great way to relieve your insomnia without introducing a harsh prescription drug into your daily routine. Some simple modifications in your lifestyle may be all that’s necessary to achieve the restful night of sleep your body desperately needs for optimal health.
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Caring For Your Teeth
A white and perfect set of teeth – that’s every person’s dream. A healthy dental and oral system contributes to overall wellness. Unhealthy teeth and gums hinder you from eating food that benefits your entire body. Unsightly teeth affect your self-esteem and prohibit you from enjoying a normal social life.
You may be surprised to know that there are 5 substantial reasons why the teeth should be cared for and they are by nature physiological, physical, emotional, social, and financial reasons.
1. Physiological.
Obviously, if you have toothache, you can’t eat well and the body’s normal functioning is affected when you have weakened immune system due to inability to eat properly. Aside from that, toothache and other dental problems are stressful and it’s been proven that stress affects the body organs and their functions that could lead to an even more serious health condition. Furthermore, tooth decay can lead to infection and abscess which could contribute to gum disease which in turn is linked to heart attack and stroke.
2. Emotional.
You will look and feel happier if you have healthy teeth. When you can smile freely, you will have positive emotions and more optimistic and affirmative situations follow your emotional highs. At your lowest emotional condition you may not even be able to leave your bed. When you have serious problems with your teeth you will stay unhappy until you finally get that appointment with the dentist.
3. Social.
Your social life involves a lot of talking and eating. How can you communicate when, aside from ugly teeth, you also have bad breath? How can you enjoy the food when you have an aching tooth? You may not want others to know it but deep inside you know that you feel miserable with those unattractive and unhealthful teeth. You even feel shame as a result of your failure to care for your teeth. You will soon realize that you are starting to shy away from others socially, because they have a beautiful set of teeth and you don’t.
4. Physical.
This becomes the first and most obvious result when you fail to take good oral and dental care. Teeth that don’t receive proper attention become physically damaged and discolored. Before other people notice your talents and intelligence, physical features make deep impressions first, especially your facial features. This obviously includes your smile, showing the physical condition of your teeth.
5. Financial.
When you neglect giving your teeth the most needed care and attention, you will ultimately need to take a trip to the dentist to treat serious dental and oral problems. This means paying for a much more expensive treatment than if you had regular checkups.
Simple tasks such as regularly and correctly brushing and flossing your teeth can help you avoid dental woes later on in your life. The reasons why you should take good care of your teeth are obvious because they are as important as any of the other parts of your body.
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Mental Illness Carer Coping Strategies
Carers of people with the likes of schizophrenia, bi-polar and other similar mental illnesses have a very stressful life in that with these illnesses the caring process can change from one moment to the next. At times it is like walking on sharp broken glass.
Most of the time the carer is left in the position of feeling that there is nothing right that they can do and often get abused for their effort as the person with the mental illness may not even appreciate the help, themselves believing that there is nothing wrong with them.
The carer will suffer from living in an extremely stressful environment, will experience extensive lack of sleep, a broken meal pattern, isolation and no ‘me time’, amongst other things. All this leads to the carer suffering from ill health in the long run.
A carer looking after a family member with a mental illness is doing so because they do not want their loved one to be left suffering with undue help which is not always provided by the health services.
Therefore the carer needs to maintain reasonable health themselves to continue in this role.
Here Are Some Strategies For Carer Self Care (and I know from experience this may seem a big ask of you at times):
· Although you are taking on the role of carer try and keep your emotions separate
· Don’t get caught up in the illness – in other words don’t always jump to the demands of the inflicted person even though they will show extreme impatience at times
· Keep in mind that a person with a mental illness is very self-absorbed, they will be thinking only of their needs so you will have to stand up for yourself and put yourself first in order to get your jobs done
· Be aware of their manipulation – the way I see it and have had it described to me is that they learn to be very manipulative as a way of coping with their illness and you are not exempt from that – in order not be manipulated ‘play their game’ and learn to manipulate back by taking on that ‘game attitude’ as this also helps you cope with the stress rather than always feel as if you are being controlled or at their beck and call
· Avoid getting into arguments by walking away – it takes two to argue and it is the self-absorption issue that causes many of them – talk about issues when the atmosphere is calm or if the person is really ill, wait for the window of opportunity where they can see reason (no matter if this takes several days)
Life as a Carer of a mentally ill loved one is surely one that is never boring. In fact, it is downright stressful to say the least. I read once (and I wish I could give credit to this person because I loved it, but cannot remember where I read it), “The life of a Carer is like drinking a cappuccino, you don’t only drink from the bubbles at the top but right down to the dregs at the bottom and taste every drop.”
Each and every Carer learns to cope in their own way as does the person inflicted with a mental illness. Some of those that become ill suffer severely and others not so severely but at the end of the day, those that take on a caring role do so because they love their family member and wish them to have the best of life that is possible.
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Headaches and Why You Should Pay Attention
The fast pace of the times has got everyone so busy. Just keeping up with the day to day list of things to do takes up almost all of your time and energy. On some particularly difficult days, you might not even be able to finish everything you have to do. With the busy schedule packed with a million tasks and appointments, most people hardly enough time to sit down and take a breather. This is why health concerns especially the seemingly minor and tolerable ones are being shoved further and further down the list of priorities. This is a very dangerous practice which everyone should strive to break.
Headaches, for example, are the most common among the bodily pains people tend to ignore or take for granted. Unfortunately, they do not often go away or get better unless you solve the health problem that has been causing them in the first place. Moreover, these headaches can actually be signs of a more serious health condition that needs to be addressed promptly.
Usually, the headaches are simply signs of strain, stress or over fatigue. The solution for this type of headache is actually pretty easy. Most physicians would simply recommend a few minor therapy sessions or even fitness classes. Some are caused simply by pad posture. Imagine if all you had to do was to sit in a different angle when you work. One quick consultation with your doctor would easily save you from having to endure days or months of annoying headache.
A lot of people choose to ignore the pain because the headaches are tolerable and go away anyway. But if the problem has a safe and easy fix, why would you want to endure that at all? Also, when you are nursing a headache, you are not performing as well as you could be. So even if you think you are saving time by skipping that trip to the doctor, you are actually compromising your work or output in the process.
Some people opt to placate the chronic or recurrent headache and self medicate. They usually take pain medication. If it happens once or twice, that is perfectly fine. However, if your headaches are recurring, then constantly popping pain meds is a very bad idea. For starters, you will be giving your kidneys and liver unnecessary stress that will severely compromise your health in the long run. Moreover, pain meds themselves can actually cause a particular type of recurring headache as well.
More importantly, a headache, especially when the frequency and intensity seem to be increasing, can just as well be a sign of a serious health condition. If you keep on ignoring it or delay seeking medical attention for it, you might end up with a grave health problem. A headache, like all the pain we feel in our bodies, is your body’s way of telling you that something is not right. You should listen to it.
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Maintain Control During Panic Attacks
Learning to maintain control during panic attacks is a very useful skill that anyone can have. Though it is very unlikely for us to know how to stop or end panic attacks for the first few times, knowing how to turn it of temporarily is helpful enough. Here are some of the effective natural techniques and ways to help you stop panic attacks temporarily.
Breathing techniques
- Though panic attacks is an unpredictable and subconscious thing that happens to us, we can still gain back our control over it consciously. If you are encountering one, you can use this technique to get back control. Breath at the count ratio of 1:2, making your exhalation longer. By counting 4 counts for inhalation and 7 counts for exhalation, you are shifting your focus to counting and relaxing yourself through long exhalation.
- Another method that is recommended by many therapists is the paper bag re-breathing technique. Basically, you breathe into a paper bag until your breathing calms down. It has the same effect of having longer exhalation. What happens is that, it reduces intake of oxygen and makes the level of carbon dioxide higher than oxygen in your body. This naturally calms your nervous system down.
Before buying those drugs over the counter, consult your doctor for safety purpose such as allergic reactions and further information of the drug. You can keep some of these medication with you wherever you go so that when an attack comes around and you are just too panicky to remember breathing techniques, then pop in these medication. Be sure to put your health safety on top of the priority. Don’t become too dependent on medication and practice getting use to start using natural techniques such as count breathing.
Some teas have a relaxing effect. Tea with soothing scents and taste helps to soothe the nervous system and calms you down. The types of tea that are known to have a soothing effect includes, chamomile, green tea and jasmine tea. It is not possible to start making tea when you have an attack. The idea is to keep yourself relax and calm, in a way to control your stress level so that less occurrence of panic attacks will happen.
Keep a small bag of soothing scents to help you relax when you sniff into it. Scents like lavender calms the nervous system and is very helpful and safe way to help you gain back control. Use of scents are usually known as aromatherapy, where you can get oils and incense to burn to fill up your room or home. This can help you maintain a relaxing environment and lessen the chances of panic attacks to occur.
These temporary solutions are good to help you in emergencies to calm down. As mentioned, temporary solutions are just Band-Aid solutions but will not clear off panic attacks completely. This does not mean that these are not useful, it is but with moderation of use.
The mindset that you should have is to free yourself completely from panic attacks. This is not impossible and there are self-help methods that are endorsed by medical agencies with proven track of success records.
You can maintain control during panic attacks and also cure completely from it. Don’t despair or compare previous methods that didn’t work for you. There are natural methods that work without the use of medication nor expensive therapy sessions.
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Headaches: Can They Really Be Prevented?
At some point in their life, everyone will experience a headache. For some, a headache is a rare and trivial matter, for others, a chronic nightmare. Headache symptoms range from the mild pain and throbbing of a tension headache to the excruciating agony, sensitivity to light, and nausea of a migraine.
Why Me?
There are many possible causes for the typical headache, the most common often being trigger points/knots in neck, shoulder and/or jaw muscles, many times due to:
– Stress
– Tension
– Postural issues
– Temporomandibular joint disorders
Tightness in certain neck muscles may impinge on small arteries that bring blood to your head, causing pain and impacting mental function through a lack of oxygen to your brain.
Other reasons may be related to:
– Allergies
– Sickness
– Lack of sleep
– Poor nutrition
– Dehydration
– Withdrawal from caffeine or other substances
– Weather
In all of these cases, your body is trying to let you know there is a problem! The majority of people will try to cover up the symptoms of a headache by taking medication, but this does not treat the real issue – the root cause of the pain. Although over-the-counter (OTC) medicine may be practical for temporary relief of the occasional headache, overuse of pain relievers can also increase the number and extent of headaches (1) and eventually lead to liver damage. Masking the pain with drugs does not help with chronic conditions and the safety of these medications is constantly coming under scrutiny, with new guidelines and warnings being issued (2). So what is a person to do???
There Must be a Better Way…
A more beneficial choice to treat the pain of a headache is to identify what is causing it and correct the root problem. Depending on the issue, this may involve the help of a massage therapist, chiropractor, doctor, or other professionals. Many times the cause of a headache is as simple as tension and knots in the upper body. The normal stress of life, occupational repetitive motion, carrying a large purse, athletic endeavors, heavy school backpacks, and bad posture are all common sources of gradually developing myofascial* constrictions. In our tech-driven age, many spend their time hunched over computers, laptops, smartphones, mp3 players, digital book readers, and portable game systems, resulting in rounded shoulders, forward head posture, and other problems which cause muscle imbalances and produce pain. Sitting too much may lead to posterior pelvic tilt, kyphosis of the thoracic vertebrae, and increased shoulder/neck problems. Postural issues can chronically increase tension on certain muscles while weakening others, distorting proper muscle function and leading to constrictions in the fascia*. (*Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds & supports all aspects of the body.)
The most commonly affected muscles that may refer pain and cause headaches include:
– Upper trapezius (shoulders/neck)
– Sternocleidomastoid (neck)
– Scalenes (neck)
– Suboccipitals (neck)
– Masseter (jaw)
A good first step in treating reoccurring headaches would be to see a knowledgable massage therapist. They can give you a clinical assessment, form a plan for treating postural deviations and misalignments, start working on the muscular issues you may have, suggest some exercises and stretches that you can do at home, or refer you to a physical or occupational therapist for more in-depth treatment.
And the Answer Is…
Yes! It is possible to avert a lot of those pesky headaches! Some common sense comes into play with headache prevention, although ultimately, even those who are diligent to take care of themselves may still sporadically suffer an occasional minor headache.
Here are some basic guidelines for overall wellness and headache prevention:
– Reduce stress in your life, or do not let unavoidable stress “get” to you
– Eat properly for your body
– Stay hydrated with pure, filtered water, free of chlorine, fluoride, or other contaminants
– Get plenty of restful sleep
– Exercise frequently
– Address any allergies you may have, optimally through natural means
– Remain flexible or increase flexibility through Active Isolated Stretching
– Attend to any postural issues which cause muscle tension & knots
– Relieve muscular and emotional tension through massage
As the saying goes – “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Being proactive in preventing headaches will not only help with avoiding headaches, but will increase your overall health and well-being.
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Social Anxiety and The Right To Take Up Space
People who may suffer from excessive shyness and social anxiety often have internal beliefs that reinforce their behavior. A common belief at the root of this social anxiety is that deep down we don’t feel like we deserve positive attention.
Instead of speaking our minds, we feel like we should cause as little disturbance as possible. Thus, we sit on the sidelines and aren’t as engaged with social activities. We remain reserved, withdrawn, and trying to blend in with the walls.
We are afraid to take up space – social space.
We do this by keeping our personalities and talents hidden from others. We don’t want people to know who we really we are, because we fear people won’t like it. Therefore, as painful as it may be to keep ourselves hidden, we prefer it – because we imagine that the alternatives are much worse.
That’s the root of a lot of anxiety. We look into the future and imagine all the bad things that may happen if we step outside of our comfort zone. And often we imagine these things as much worse than they would probably turn out in the real world.
Often the worst that can happen during a date or a job interview is that we get rejected or slightly embarrassed after making a mistake. But in our heads we act as though we are being judged by God himself. It’s rarely that serious.
The truth is not everyone is going to like you. You can’t be yourself and please everyone at the same time, and that is something you have to be willing to accept if you are going to let your authentic self shine through. Of course, even with this true, the benefits often outweigh the costs.
Right to take up space.
One benefit is when you let your personality open up, you are more likely to attract others who mesh well with you. This is far less likely (if not impossible) when you keep yourself closed off and reserved. So even though some won’t see eye-to-eye with you, there are plenty of others out there who probably share very similar interests, passions, values, and goals. The more you let your own interests, passions, values, and goals come through, the more likely you are to discover these like-minded people and begin building meaningful relationships with them. Of course, none of this can come true if you don’t give yourself the right to take up space.
The right to take up space.
As conscious beings, I think each and every one of us has a right to express ourselves. This entails the freedom to think as we want, speak as we want, dress as we want, create as we want, and act as we want (so long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others).
When you are at a group meeting, you have every right to share your ideas. When you are at a political rally, you have every right to stand up for your political views. When you are a musician in a band, why shouldn’t you have some say in the music? And when you are at a cafe or bar, why shouldn’t you have the right to go up to someone, say “Hi,” compliment them on their shoes, and strike up a conversation.
You may go through life thinking these things can sometimes be inappropriate, but when you have something valuable to say, you should give yourself the right to say it. That’s freedom of mind.
Ignore artificial social boundaries.
Artificial social boundaries can largely inhibit us from interacting with others in a positive way. We should try to ignore them more often – especially when we find ourselves thinking things like “John is out of my league” or “Teresa is a 10.” People are usually just people. Most of them just want to be respected and enjoy life a little. If you can provide that, you’ll have rich relationships. If you give someone respect, they will often reciprocate that respect right back to you. That’s the fundamental rule to positive relationships – ignore the unnecessary B.S.
The more you get caught in who is above or below you on the social ladder, the more you pollute your interactions. Everyone should have an equal right to be themselves and take up space. And often times you’ll find everyone has something valuable to offer (for more, see how to try to find the good in everyone).
Consequently, when you open up your ears and let others speak, they will often do the same for you. When two people are given space to express themselves, artificial social boundaries (and the social anxiety they can lead to) often evaporate.
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Dental Syringe: An Indispensable Dental Equipment
What do you fear the most about going to a dentist? Patients usually face several dental phobias, including fear of pain and fear of anesthetic side effects. However, the advanced techniques and tools, such as dental syringe, mouth mirror, radiograph equipment, burs, Osteotome and dental drill, used by the dentists can help patients to alleviate the fear of injections, pain, and mishaps.
A dental syringe is one of the most important dental equipment used by the dentists. It is used by all types of dentists including the ones specializing in general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics. A syringe is a medical instrument, which is used to inject fluids inside the body or extracting fluid from the body, spraying liquids and cleaning wounds. A syringe usually consists of a rubber ball with a fine nozzle. It works with the help of pressure or suction.
A syringe like device was first used by Ammar ibn Ali al-Mawsili, an Egyptian surgeon, to remove cataracts in 900 AD. He designed a thin and hollow glass tube with suction. However, earlier syringes were only used for extracting fluids or tissues from humans. They were not used for injecting purpose. In 1650, Blaise Pascal came up with the actual concept of a syringe. Further, in 1853, Dr. Alexander Wood modified the regular syringe to hypodermic syringe used for medical purposes. The first hypodermic syringe included a cylinder containing a movable plunger.
A dental syringe is an ancillary tool, which is used to supply either water or air to the oral cavity for the purpose of cleaning away the debris or pus from the area on which the dentist is working. Moreover, it is also used by the dentist for injecting fluoride, antibacterial or anesthetic solutions. It contains a breech-loading syringe, which is fitted with a sealed cartridge holding the anesthetic solution. A 3-way syringe consists separate internal channels for supplying water, air or mist of water and air, which is formed by combining water with pressurized air. The tip of a 3-way syringe can be easily separated from the main syringe body and replaced when necessary.
Today the market offers a variety of syringes, especially designed for dental purposes. Few different types of syringes available in the market are:
- Aspirating syringes
- Cartridge syringes
- Intraligamentary syringes
- Disposable dental syringes
- Irrigating syringes
These syringes are available in various sizes, so that the dentists can get the right grip over them. Having the right grip over the dental syringe can make the dentist feel more comfortable while working.
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Vision Through the Years
Although people who are blind can easily live very fulfilled lives, there is no doubt that their condition puts them at a disadvantage in every respect – including the reality that those of us who can see get great pleasure from those little sights that warm our hearts like sunsets, children playing, beautiful views and so on. Seeing is such an integral part of our lives. From the moment we are born, until the moment we die, what we see helps us to determine how we view the world.
- There are those who are fortunate enough to enjoy 20/20 vision without the use of glasses for most of their lives.
- In other cases, children from as young as three-years-old begin wearing eyeglasses to correct an eye condition, or simply to compensate for the lack of distance vision.
In almost all cases, one’s eyes worsen, to some degree, with age.
For everyone, the deterioration is a very individual process and not everyone will have the same signs, symptoms, or treatment. Sadly, aging often brings eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration. However, if you are careful about going for annual eye examinations, and you know what symptoms are worrisome, then your eye doctor will pick up on the condition in time to treat it effectively. It’s important to remember is that if your eye doctor gives you eye medication – whether in the form of pills, drops or otherwise – always take them as directed, in order to help in the fight to retain your eyesight. The medications are important and often vital for your vision health!
When the loss of 20/20 vision comes outside of an eye condition, patients will find themselves facing any number of optical inconveniences such as
− the need for more light to be able to see;
− difficulty in discerning between certain colors;
− discrepancies between how they see from far and how they see up close – this includes the distance sight and the focusing ability; as well as the ability to adjust to glare and darkness.
Natural solutions to the problem of aging eyes are to stop smoking and eat healthy foods – especially those that are known to be good for your sight. Additionally, controlling your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes, or other health problems, and being active will help slow down the aging process with your vision. As with anybody else, you should ensure to wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat while in the sun; as well as safety eye wear when necessary, such as goggles while swimming, and so on.
Other treatment includes the buying eyeglasses that answer to your optical needs. After a thorough eye examination, your doctor may adapt your eyeglasses prescription You may be required to get new prescription glasses or even multifocal glasses, take this in and get new glasses as soon as you can to minimize your own optical discomfort and start seeing properly. Nothing should ever stop you from being able to enjoy the sights around you – especially not the aging process!
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Time to Take Responsibility For Your Own Health
Here is the bottom line. Health is full of vested interest and information can be easily selected to support a particular view. We need to be questioning of the pronouncements of governments and experts. They do not always know what is best for your health even if they are well meaning.
The person primarily responsible for your health is you. You are best placed to make decisions about your health based on your own circumstances. There has been a tendency over the last 30 years to see governments as having the primary responsibility for our health. This is seen in calls for the government to “do something” about problems like obesity and smoking to name but two.
Personally I do not have a huge amount of faith in the recommendations of government departments and some of the “experts” that they draw on. Regular readers will be familiar with my view on the response to the advent of the H1N1 (swine flu) virus and how billions of dollars were wasted and needless fear was generated. As it turned out many of the experts recommending mass vaccination of the population had financial ties to manufacturers.
There is now a push to vaccinate boys against the H.P.V. virus. This vaccine has been approved for use in girls. Whilst it has been promoted as a vaccine against cervical cancer, it is in reality a vaccine against four strains of a virus, which is implicated in the development of cervical cancer. The push for extending the use has come from the manufacturer (as is their commercial right) but it is easy to whip up fear when one plays the cancer card in any health story. At this point rational assessment can go out the window.
Against this backdrop two circulars from government health departments crossed my desk in the same week. The first from the W.A. health department was about a plan to get women who missed their third dose of H.P.V. vaccine to have it. The dosage schedule was zero, two and six months.
This is from the circular ” While the optimal schedule is to administer Gardasil * at 0,2 and 6 months, the Australian Chief Medical Officer has stated that delayed administration especially of the third dose is expected to give at least comparable and most likely superior immune responses…”
Run that by me again! If delaying the dose gives a better response then how can the current schedule be optimal? Or if the current schedule is optimal then how cannot sticking to it give a better result? Go figure!
The other interesting piece of advice came from the Federal Health Department. A new campaign has been launched to encourage smokers to quit. Readers of my website will have seen my article on how a major analysis of over 800 studies showed that 70% of people quit with no aids or assistance. It also highlighted that most studies compared stop smoking aids with each other rather than against no aid and that manufacturers funded many of the studies. Questions were raised as to why this information was not promoted more widely to encourage and empower people to stop smoking.
Yet the letter from the Chief Medical Officer tells me “… smokers are about twice as likely to quit with smoking cessation drugs than cold turkey alone” and quoted one study, which had shown this. So here we have the government urging use of drugs when for at least 70% of people none are needed.
Exactly why this is the case is a mystery to me. The key point is that government recommendations may or may not be in your best interests.
Gather input from a variety of sources. Be aware that vested interests may be involved. Be questioning of “experts” and always consider your own circumstances. The person best equipped to make decisions about your health and that of your family is YOU.
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