Health Benefits of Netting Hammocks

Netting Hammocks

Netting hammocks are positively ‘dynamic’, meaning the hammock netting changes shape to conform to any body shape or size, to provide support with no pressure points. This ability to conform makes netting hammocks the most comfortable and therapeutic hammocks available.

Relaxing in a netting hammock is truly ‘out of this world’ and has to be experienced to be believed. Every part of the body in contact with the hammock netting has support. There are no pressure points and this experience is known as ‘neutral gravity’. This is the closest feeling to the sensation of ‘weightlessness’, available on Terra Firma. In zero gravity, the body will assume a ‘neutral body position’. While relaxing in a reclining hammock chair the netting will provide the body with a level of support which mimics this ‘neutral body position’ – a posture similar to the fetal position, with “head facing slightly forward, shoulders rolled forward, abdominal area slightly bent at the waist and knees slightly bent”.
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Sprang Weaving

Sprang weaving is a technique of weaving developed more than 3,500 years ago which is still in use today by the Maya Indians of Central America to weave netting hammocks. The threads or cords of the hammock are not knotted, which enables the netting to change shape and conform to the users’ body shape. This provides a level of comfort impossible to obtain with Western Furniture, which will always require the body to change shape, to fit the furniture!

Health Benefits

Studies have been done on the therapeutic benefits of relaxing in hammocks. Sufferers of neck and back pain seeking natural remedies rather than medicating pain, are able to gain relief and lessen their discomfort while relaxing in a reclining hammock. This is due to the hammock netting changing shape and supporting the body’s weight evenly, which enables muscular tension and stress held within the body to be released.

It is well known that excess stress is detrimental to health, so anything we can do to reduce stress in our lives, will be beneficial. Relaxing in a hammock recliner is a great way to relieve stress naturally – the gentle swaying motion of the hammock will promote relaxation for body and mind, and reduce anxiety levels.

There are even therapeutic benefits for those who already have good health – studies have also shown that the gentle swaying motion of a hammock stimulates brain activity! Whatever the reason for relaxing in a hammock, be it for therapy or just ‘time out’, try power napping – you will be amazed at the therapeutic benefits available to everyone.

Hammock World netting hammocks are undoubtedly the most comfortable, therapeutic hammocks available. Our Hammock Recliner, together with the Comfort Cushion, which has been custom designed to provide extra comfort, offers total body support with no pressure points.

The hammock netting expands to fit everybody, regardless of body size or shape – customised comfort provides perfect back and lumbar support while offering therapeutic relief from accumulated body stress, muscular tension and back pain discomfort.

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Effective Simple Ways to Stop Anxiety and Panic Attacks

When there is a sudden feeling of overwhelming fear and anxiety, the condition is regarded by doctors as having a panic attack. This condition is also linked to a mental health problem called “panic disorder”. The symptoms of people having panic attacks are: a difficult in breathing (since your heart is pounding heavily); feeling dizzy; and feeling sick to your stomach. For others, they even start thinking that they’re already going crazy or they’re near dying. Looking at the symptoms, these are not very good signs. Finding ways to stop panic attacks should be a priority. When you ignore it, it may just result to panic disorders or other types of serious mental health problems.

There is no need to worry because this sickness is treatable. However, it is important that you find treatment in the onset of the condition otherwise; it will be more difficult to treat when there are other problems involved. Once you find treatment, there’s a strong chance you can reduce or eliminate your panic symptoms. This way, you can regain back the control you have on your life. Treatment is not the only thing you should look for. Try to learn as much as you can about panic disorders. Through this, you’ll be able to prepare yourself for the treatment process.

Anxiety attacks can happen when its least expected. There are cases when it strikes without warning and even for no apparent reason. There are reports that it can occur even when a person is sleeping or relaxing.

Panic attacks can happen either once or several times. There are indicated instances of repeat episodes. These recurrent attacks, according to studies, can be triggered by specific situations. It may happen during scenarios like whenever you feel trapped or endangered. Thus, even with recurrent anxiety attacks, medical experts believe that people who experience these are necessarily unhealthy because these episodes can just be a part of some other disorder which may comprise of social phobia, panic disorder or depression.

Whatever factor may be causing your panic attacks, know that there are effective ways to treat and cope with it. Doctors usually treat panic ailments the same way as panic disorders because they can be linked together. There are self-help strategies, medications and even a series of therapy sessions which are known to reduce or eliminate panic symptoms.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This is one highly suggested therapy option for those who are suffering from panic dilemma. This therapy is considered by medical experts as the most effective among the treatment options available for anxiety attacks and or disorder. The therapy makes use of thinking patterns as well as behaviors to sustain or trigger panic symptoms. The therapy is designed so patients can start looking at their fears in a more realistic light.

  • Exposure Therapy

This is another highly suggested therapy for these attack sufferers. This therapy involves exposing attack sufferers to some or all physical sensations of panic. However, in the course of the treatment, these are done only in a safe & controlled environment. Through the process, patients can learn other healthier yet effective ways to cope with these attacks. What doctors usually do is they ask patients to hold their breath or hyperventilate. They do this because they want patients to feel similar sensations of panic. The concept is – the patients are subjected to this environment, the more they will become less afraid of their internal bodily sensations. This is noted as a good way to feel in control of your panic attacks.

  • Medications

According to medical experts, medications are only used for temporary control. Through the use of medications, patients can reduce some if not all of the symptoms of their ailment, panic disorder or agoraphobia. What you need to know is that they don’t really stop panic attacks once and for all. These medications are usually given with other effective treatment options. Medications options for anxiety attacks are commonly prescribed antidepressants.

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Tips on How to Help Your Overweight Child

The change has to start in the household, please DO NOT blame your child for their weight issues, instead follow these tips on how to help change the behavior.

1. Be supportive - do not say negative things about their weight instead be supportive and encourage a healthier lifestyle; not just by talking about it, but by living it.

2. Listen to your child’s concerns about their weight - Kids are smart, they know they have a weight problem so talk to them about their feelings regarding it

3. Bring more fruits and vegetables in the house - Allow your child to shop with you and pick out their favorite ones. If they are more concerned with the sugary food aisle, then just bring home the produce that you know they will eat before you start introducing too many new foods.

4. Purchase fewer soft drinks and processed snacks - Instead purchase water, fresh vegetables such as carrots, cucumber slices, nuts, raisins, sunflower seeds, low fat milk, and fresh fruit.

5. Skip the fast food lane - Start experimenting with some new recipes that you have been dying to try. Just because the fast food lane exists, it doesn’t mean we have to utilize it. Did you know that just ONE visit to a fast food joint could rack up an entire days worth of calories. Cook at home and make it family time where you can discuss their day, school, goals, or homework.

6. Don’t discourage your child if they hesitate on trying a new food at first - Some kids need to see a food over 10 times before they will eat it.

7. Do NOT use food as a reward. Food is fuel for our bodies; it is not a reward nor a punishment of any kind. By promising dessert if they finish their broccoli is only sending out mixed messages and making the vegetables seem less valuable.

8. Be active together - Incorporate active chores such as washing the car, vacuuming, or sweeping the sidewalk. Plan active trips like a family bike ride, a walk through a local park, a trip to the zoo.

9. Set a good example - Your child will follow your lead. If they see you are being active and putting your health first, they will start to do the same. Don’t talk the talk unless you walk the Walk.

10. Encourage your child to join a sport - it doesn’t have to be a school sport, try an event at the local community center or an after school class that peaks their interest. This opens up time for you to communicate what your child likes to do; do they like to dance, gymnastics, run- there are all kinds of activities available to fit their interest.

For the first time in history we will outlive our own child, which is a sad fact so we have to take control of it NOW. We must take the control back from food. The more junk we feed our children the closer to disease we are pushing them. Let’s start being the healthy role model in our families that they need.

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Basic Life Support Training

How basic life support training can empower you

Many times when there is a medical emergency, we feel at a loss not knowing what to do to. We feel kind of helpless, in shock, doing nothing even though we want to help all we can to lessen the suffering. Basic life support (BLS) training can make you know exactly what to do when there is a cardiac arrest. It makes you capable of taking charge, doing what is right and what is needed and makes you a dependable citizen.

Why Basic Life Support training is essential for all people In workplace or at home, you can never predict when a cardiac arrest may occur. You never know when a sudden crisis may threaten the life of your loved ones. Timely and competent measures are needed to overcome such life-or-death crisis situation – especially in case of children. If you have undergone basic life support training, you know the causes and how to alleviate them, and you can deal instinctively and competently with such medical emergencies.

What kind of emergencies BLS training help you deal with?
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BLS training helps you to become competent in dealing with crises like:

• Cardiac arrest
• Choking
• Sudden collapse

The aim of basic life support training is to provide emergency measures until complete medical care will be administered by professionally trained medical personnel. They do not involve any drug administration or invasive procedures.

Who all can be empowered by the Basic Life Support training?

BLS training can benefit anyone of almost any age. BLS Certification courses are mandatory for police officers, fire-fighters, paramedical personnel etc. Teachers, parents, day-care providers, security personnel, old-age home-care personnel and even lay persons can undergo training so that they know what needs to be done whenever any emergency happens in their vicinity before professionally trained medical help arrives.

Skills learnt at BLS training make you a knowledgeable citizen

Quite a few techniques that are followed at hospital are taught during training. Called ‘ABCs of pre-hospital emergency care’ BLS training teaches how to check for and help to maintain

• Airway patentancy
• Breathing – spontaneously or artificially
• Circulation

Whatever the crisis may be, Basic life support training ensures that victims are helped to maintain the ABCs if they cannot do so by themselves. It also makes you capable of undertaking CPR protocol, administering CPR procedure correctly until emergency service personnel arrive on the scene and take charge of the patient.

Basic life support training helps you get familiar with diverse adults, children and infant rescue techniques for providing appropriate and adequate emergency measures during any life-threatening emergency and makes you a responsible and supportive citizen.

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Strength Training Is Ambiguous

I had the great honor to speak with James “The Thinker” Smith on Sunday night. First off, very nice guy. What a source of knowledge as well. Here are some of the key points to our conversation:

Strength training can mean but doesn’t have to be weight training. Weight training is a form of strength training. Read that again if it doesn’t make sense at first glance. The whole goal of training athletes is to improve their performance in their chosen sport or game. You must always think of how you are going to accomplish this. Sometimes, weights are not what is called for. I had some of my guys do a contrast speed day last night and the only ‘weight room’ stuff they did was a superset of TRX rows and walking parking lot lunges at the end. Again, what is going to make them better?

The more advanced an athlete is skill wise (talent), the less they are going to need and be able to handle in the weight room. Their central nervous systems are so advanced that they will simply not require a ton of work to get an adaptation. On the flip side, too much can fry them a lot quicker than it would a lesser athlete. This is why at the professional level of sport, you don’t see as much heavy lifting or lifting in general going on.

You have to think of the CNS as a cup of water. At the beginning of the workout (hopefully), your cup should be full. I say full because it depends on your recovery and recuperation methods up until this point. Actually, you can think of this as a two way cup. If you put any too much of one component in and then try to fit too much of another in, the cup will overflow and this will not be good. If this happens, you did not create a positive adaptation. As well, you only have some much in the CNS tank going into a training session. Once that cup is empty, it is empty. Again, many strength coaches spend 99% of their time on strength work. That is going to leave them 1% for the rest of the skills they may need to work on, including, power, strength endurance, core, flexibility, coordinated movements and so on.

I have about 5 pages of notes from the other night and I am a smarter coach for speaking with Coach Smith. Learn from the best!

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My Story – How an Acai Berry Diet Changed My Life

I am sure that you have been hearing a lot of stories about the effectiveness of the acai berry diet when it comes to weight loss, right? However, as a smart consumer, you just don’t want to rely on the things that you have been hearing about this “super fruit”. Well, to tell you honestly, I was once in your shoe when I was looking out for something that can help me with my weight problems that has been my lifelong problem since the time I have given birth to my youngest child.

This is my story how I lost 30 pounds in just a matter of few months. I think if my calculations are right, it only took me 5 months to regain the kind of figure I once had when I was younger.

We all know that after giving birth, the extra fat that a woman has accumulated through the 9 months of pregnancy will not shed off just as that. It will stay in your body for as long as it could, and if you are not going to do something about it, the bulging tummy, fat thighs and legs, huge arms and enormous behind will always be there forever. I didn’t want that to happen, but I was also hoping to have another kind of diet that is easy yet effective to my goal of losing weight. I don’t want to end up starving myself again just like what I did when I had my first child. I was desperately wanting to tone down my body weight and fit in my regular size jeans again, that is why I ended up eating extra small proportions of unsavory foods.

Anyway, after giving birth to my second child, my body has accumulated more fat than what I had during my first pregnancy. I was worried because I felt uneasy all the time and I know that I don’t have enough energy most of the time because I cannot sustain playing with my eldest while tending my newborn. I knew from that moment that I really have to do something with my body.

I tried to make a research online about the best and healthiest diet I can take which is natural and safe for breastfeeding moms. I stumbled on one article saying about the good things about the super fruit – acai berry. After reading amazing testimonial about the said fruit, I didn’t hesitated to purchase a bottle and started with my own acai berry diet.

Here are my comments about the results of my acai berry diet:

1. The kind of diet did not make it hard for me – it was very easy to follow, which is perfect because at that time, my hands are all tied up with the kids. I surely don’t have enough time for my own leisure.
2. It’s all natural. This is again perfect for me because I was breastfeeding. I can’t afford to take any kind of chemical inside my body.
3. I was able to prove for myself that it is indeed effective! I lost 30 pounds in just 5 months.

And to top it all, I felt that more energized and my body is healthier than ever. I feel rejuvenated in and out. This magical fruit is highly recommended!

The acai berry diet was proven by many to work wonders in their bodies. When it comes to the numerous health benefits of it, no one can ever doubt the super fruit’s capability of having a healthier and leaner body in no time.

However, many are still asking if it’s possible to see any kind of negativity the fruit can have. In one way or another, every product available must always have its own set of pros and cons right? So what do we have when it comes to the ever so famous acai berry diet?

Here are the list of the pros and cons of the super fruit.


• The fruit is proven to be effective in improving one’s body.
• Contains a lot of healthy nutrients needed by our body.
• The nutrients inside the fruit cannot only aid diseases, but to prevent them as well.
• It can cure even the deadliest cancer cells of leukemia – according to the University of Florida.
• Perfect product to take in order to lose weight.
• Can help in building muscle.
• Great for body detoxification because the fruit is high in antioxidants.
• Prevents aging
• Aids for the proper function of all primary organs.


• If you are buying the fresh fruit, it rots easily. But I don’t think this will be a problem if you store them in air tight containers and place them inside the refrigerator. You may also freeze the berries or you can just go ahead and purchase the capsule form.

That’s the end of the con’s part. Actually, a lot of us writers of the acai berry diet are trying to think if there really is something negative out of trying to use the super fruit as part of your daily meal. But for me, the only disadvantage I can think of, if you want to try the acai berry diet is just about the freshness of the fruit, and that’s it! You have ways to preserve it and that takes out the only disadvantage I have listed in this article. Other than that, the super fruit proves to show more advantages than the disadvantages.

Try it now, and see how it can work wonders in your life as well. You will never have to worry about taking multiple food supplements anymore just to get the nutrition your body needs, because all of the necessary vitamins and minerals that you will be needing in order to keep you body in tip top condition will all be inside the magical fruit.

No need to neither work on complicated diets nor follow extreme work outs just to have the results that you wanted like having a leaner body and healthy body. You also don’t have to worry that you might be taking harsh chemicals that may harm you, especially your kidneys – because this is a natural way of dieting. And most of all, you don’t have to worry about the cost because you don’t have to spend too much on gym memberships or expensive diet pills.

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The Danger of Sugar And Fructose

I recently saw a very health conscious 40 year old male who, 6 months before, successfully adopted a low carbohydrate lifestyle losing 20 pounds. Over the last three months, however, he added a morning smoothie with bananas and various “healthy” juices, as well as whey protein.

He has also began eating bananas and apples throughout the day and after work-outs. His recent lab tests show his fasting sugar has increased above 100 mg/dl, his triglycerides have increased by 50 points and his VLDL’s (very low density lipoproteins) doubled.

In addition, his weight loss leveled out and despite working out a lot, gained weight and some fat around the mid-section. Do you wonder what is going on here? He is demonstrating signs of fructose toxicity.

Sugar, or table sugar, is made up of 50 % Fructose and 50% glucose. Juices, apples and bananas have higher concentrations of fructose approaching 60% fructose and 40% glucose. Fructose is a toxin. The metabolism of fructose in the liver causes the elevation of triglycerides, VLDL and acyl-glycerols that get trapped in your liver causing fatty liver changes (elevated uric acid levels that cause Gout and even high blood pressure.)

Fortunately, these changes are rapidly reversed by getting rid of sugars and high fructose foods. So, what is the physiology behind why fructose is really a toxin?

When you eat products containing sugar or high fructose corn syrup, your body breaks it down to glucose and fructose in your intestines. Glucose is used by your brain, muscles, organs systems and even some by the heart, but the heart runs much better on fats.

When glucose hits your liver for metabolism, 80 percent of it is already used by your body, and the remaining 20 % is broken down in the liver. Unfortunately fructose is very different. Fructose is not used by your brain; it is not used by your muscles or any organs in your body.

In fact, it doesn’t even cause insulin levels to go up, and therefore leptins won’t signal your brain that you have plenty of food and are satisfied. So you’re still hungry. It is then transported 100 % intact to the liver for metabolism. And here is the big problem. It overloads your liver’s ability to metabolize substances.

Fructose enters the liver cells and is ultimately converted to 4 main compounds.

  1. The first involves a number of enzyme systems and is called de novo lipogenesis new fat formation. So it is fructose that causes fat formation, NOT fat!
  2. The second produces compounds that gum up the liver resulting in elevated liver enzymes and a condition called fatty liver.
  3. The third is the production of VLDL’s or very low density lipoproteins which are now being considered more atherogenic (arterial plaque producing) than the “bad” LDL’s.

Lastly excess triglycerides are pumped out of the liver resulting in the classic metabolic syndrome lipid abnormalities of high triglycerides, high VLDL’s, and low HDL’s. And it get’s worse. Because of the tremendous load on the liver it causes an increase in uric acid. This is known to cause gout, but another problem with uric acid is that it blocks the relaxation of arterial blood vessels, thus causing hypertension.

So to summarize, what do you call a substance that our body can’t use, and that the only way it is metabolized is through the liver? And the breakdown products result in products that are dangerous to our body? That is the perfect definition for a toxin and fructose is a toxin. So getting control of sugar consumption is a lifesaving goal.

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Moringa Oleifera – The Miracle Tree

It is believed that the most nutritious plant on planet earth is the Moringa Oleifera. Since the Discovery Channel documentary on the Moringa Oleifera ten years ago, people worldwide have taken notice of the powerful botanical and its amazing health benefits. This documentary highlighted the success seen in parts of Africa where people who add dried Moringa leaves into their diet are overcoming malnutrition.

Here are some key facts:

>Moringa is considered to have the highest protein ratio of any plant so far studied on earth.

>Moringa contains 90 nutrients and 46 antioxidants.

>Moringa is referenced in 300 folk medicine remedies.

>Moringa contains 4x the calcium of milk, 4x the vitamin A of carrots, 2x the protein of yogurt, 3x the potassium of bananas, 7x the vitamin C of oranges.

>Nourishes our bodies immune system.

>Promotes healthy circulation.

>Supports normal blood glucose levels.

>Natural anti-aging benefits

>Promotes healthy digestion

>Heightens mental clarity and increases energy

>Moringa is recognized throughout the world as an amazing source of nutrition by The National Geographic Society, The National Science Foundation, The United Nations World Food Program, The National Institute of Health.

>Moringa is found to be exponentially more nutritious in dried form rather than raw.

When we think of starvation and malnutrition around the world we typically think of Africa and India. There are many other countries is which this problem exists. These countries lie in areas where the climate is warm enough to grow Moringa Oleifera. It is puzzling then why malnutrition and starvation still exist. It is because of ignorance and lack of awareness. People are typically unaware that the solution to their problem is growing right in their back yards, so to speak. The more awareness that can be raised, the more Moringa can be used as a solution. There are a number of good organizations taking to task educating people, in these countries, on this miracle tree. If people have nothing else to eat, this tree can keep them alive!

People all over the world need to know about this amazing plant. For example, in North America, people are also malnourished. Not from having too little to eat, but from lack of nutrients in the food supply. This is one of the main reasons for the epidemic of obesity. Poor farming practices, GMO foods, and more are to blame for North America’s malnutrition problem. It is notable that Moringa can be prepared and shipped around the world without losing its efficacy, since it maintains its nutritional value through the drying process.

Think about it, have you ever heard of an edible tree? Many parts of the Moringa tree can be used, from the leaves to the fruit pods. The oil that is pressed out of the seeds can be used for cooking or medicinal uses as well. The left over seed cake from pressing the seeds is able to filter the dirtiest water into pure drinking water. It is no wonder why the Moringa tree has been quoted as a “very giving tree”.

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Why Smoking Harms Women More Than Men

Most people acknowledge what are the effects of smoking but not all people understand that smoking harms women more than men. It is an accepted fact that tobacco has never done anything good to the body, but it seems unfair that women receive more damage for having a daily puff of Dunhill than men.

Here are some of the results of a research made by Lancet about the effects of smoking among women:

  • Women are more prone than men to have heart disease caused by smoking
  • Women receive more carcinogens and toxins from tobacco than men
  • Yet, men are more likely to quit than women
  • The effects of smoking is more prominent in women than in men

The research started from 1966 to 2010 and studied individuals that came from diverse range of populations worldwide. The study received no funding, and the results were consistent. Smoking is more harmful for women because they are more heavily influenced by hormones compared to men. In men, the genes play much more significant role in their bodies.

Women are mostly estrogen-powered; it keeps sexual characteristics and makes them feminine in many ways. It is the estrogen that is responsible for distribution of fats in favorable places like the breasts, hips and buttocks. It is also responsible for menstrual cycles and maintenance of the reproductive tract. Estrogen makes the heart and blood vessels healthy. It stimulates bone formation and prevents its resorption to avoid osteoporosis. In addition, high levels of estrogen are responsible for excellent mood (cranky mood is usually caused by insufficient levels of estrogen, which happens in cases like menopause and during menses).

One of the reasons why smoking harms more women than men is because nicotine (along with harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke) reduces the ability of the body to produce estrogen. Reduced estrogen in the bloodstream is akin to a ‘mini’ menopause. The ‘favored’ fat distribution will be in disarray, piling up fat in places where no woman wants to have such as under the chin, arms and above the hips (lovehandles).

Tobacco abuse can:

— disrupt daily menstrual cycles,
— cause infertility,
— vaginal dryness and increased susceptibility to vaginal infections as the protective secretions dries up.

Long-term tobacco use weakens the bones by inhibiting calcium absorption, causing early onset of osteoporosis.

As said, estrogen plays an important role to keep heart and blood vessels healthy. Estrogen helps increase good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein) while keeping bad cholesterol levels down. And it can be a reason why women are more prone to heart disease the longer they smoke, because nicotine reduces production of heart-friendly estrogen. Therefore smoking increases risk of diseases in heart and blood vessels, especially in women.

Women’s bodies also have more fluid content than men. This is evident by having soft, suppler and clearer skin. It also makes them more sensitive to even slight changes in water levels. Cigarette smoke has a drying effect on the skin, and it constricts tiny blood vessels that nourish the skin with nutrients and water. It prematurely ages the skin, making it less elastic and decreasing its natural protection from the elements. Because of decreased blood circulation cell replacement slows down, causing emergence of dark spots. Nicotine also stains skin cells, which is hard to remove because of slow skin turnover. Women have proportionally more circulating blood than men of the same height and weight therefore this feature explains why women absorb more toxins and carcinogens in each puff of cigarette smoke.

But the big reason why the effects of smoking are more harmful in women than in men is due to their anatomy. It is a fact that women have more complicated bodies; they have mammary glands, uterus and cervix which have no equivalent parts in men. They undergo pregnancy, monthly menstrual periods during reproductive years and menopause when supply of egg cell runs out. These complicated operations require precise actions of different body systems to accomplish. Men do not to undergo such events. Therefore, components in cigarette smoke like toxins and carcinogens can do a lot more damage in women’s bodies.

Sadly, most cigarette cessation programs are not that focused on women. For example, most graphic cigarette warnings only depict damage in men and not on women. And one more thing, tobacco companies are currently increasing its advertisements to women, and sees them as its growth market in advent of increased scrutiny from authorities.

The vast majority of women are never aware of this. Though the research study advocates for increased emphasis in women in tobacco cessation programs, it seems the best recommendation for women is to avoid tobacco altogether. That includes first-hand and second-hand smoke because the effects of smoking in women can be far worse than in men.

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Dealing With Irrational Fear

Fear is an important and useful human emotion. We all have it and it motivates us to be prepared and protect ourselves from an impending danger. Everyone knows how it feels to be afraid. Mild and reasonable fear is actually helpful, without fear you will not be careful or take the necessary actions to avoid danger. Without fear, you will not prepare for a job interview or you will not study for your school exams. Fear motivates us to strive harder and protect ourselves from danger.

When fear becomes a bad thing.

When you are controlled by fear, it is already a disorder. It is normal to be anxious while giving a speech in front of a huge crowd but it is not normal to worry days or weeks before the actual speech to the point that your fear is disabling you. Although fear is a basic human emotion, it can be a bad thing if it becomes irrational. Extreme irrational fear or anxiety can prevent a person from functioning normally in his or her everyday life. People with panic disorder suffer from an intense fear without a reasonable basis. A panic attack is accompanied by symptoms like trembling, sweating, increased heartbeat, chest pain, nausea, feeling of losing control or going crazy and feeling of unreality.

Fear or anxiety is a normal human emotion, so you cannot eliminate it but what you can do is to reduce its level to the point where it is no longer interferes with your life. Fear or anxiety no matter how intense, decreases over time but of course you need to know the best ways of dealing with irrational fear. It is important for you to know that anxiety or panic disorder is a treatable condition and there is help available.

Dealing with irrational fears

Seek professional help. Of course in dealing with irrational fear, it is best to seek professional help. A mental health doctor is trained to deal with people suffering from anxiety disorder. Psychotherapy and support groups can be very helpful. In severe cases where patients cannot deal with anxiety on their own, medications maybe recommended to address the chemical imbalance in the brain.
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Change how you think. How you think affects how you feel. Negative thoughts can result to negative feelings like anxiety. The mind and the body are connected. Changing your thinking pattern will also change the way you feel. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT is a method that teaches sufferers to change their negative thoughts and their negative behavior which are the major causes of anxiety or panic attacks.

Face your fears. The common response to fear is to escape the feared situation or avoid the feared objects. If you are afraid of driving, you will avoid driving and if you are afraid of being the center of attention, you will probably avoid social situations. In dealing with irrational fear, it is important to learn how to confront or face your fears. You are aware that there is no logical basis for your fears so to overcome your fears, stop running from them and confront them.

Panic disorder is not a life threatening condition but it can greatly affect the quality of your life if left untreated. It is important to find a treatment that will work for you.

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