Get To Know How To Stop Snoring

The problem of snoring is very common. We all know of some or the other person who snores. A lot of embarrassment is normally faced by the person who suffers from this condition. This condition is however not very severe. It can be easily overcome by using one among the plenty of ways available to do so. This is the reason why the possible remedies with regard to how to stop snoring are generally considered by many.

Snoring can be minimized using one among the plenty of options available. The most appropriate option can be chosen depending on the one that is preferred. To begin with, one can find numerous stop snoring devices that are easily accessible. These basically need to be put on before sleeping. They would surely help to lessen the snoring. Having said that, not every device is ideal for every person. These kind of devices are also a little expensive.

Natural remedies are most of the times preferred by people mainly because of the reasons stated above. A lot of things can usually be done to overcome the problem of snoring. Snoring basically is caused due to the obstruction of the flow of air through the air passage. Thus doing things that help and reduce the obstruction of the airways will be beneficial.

One of the issues that results in this condition is obesity. The collection of fatty tissues around the neck usually makes the air passage narrow. If being overweight is causing the problem, then doing things to reduce it will be of help. Additionally eating food just before sleeping should also be avoided. The reason behind this being the fact that it takes time for the food to be digested and undigested food would exert pressure on the diaphragm and would increase the problem all the more. The suggested time period that should be kept between eating and sleeping is a minimum of three hours.

It is strongly recommended to avoid having alcohol prior to going to sleep. The reason behind this being that the muscles of the throat get relaxed on consumption of alcohol. Consequently the flow of air would be obstructed. Additionally, having dairy products like milk, before going to sleep should also be avoided. Mucus is developed due to it, which then causes obstruction in the flow of air, consequently resulting in snoring.

Other health problems like flu and cold could also cause snoring. Such health conditions lead to the formation of swelling in the throat. Consequently the flow of air would be obstructed. This however is a very short-term problem which vanishes the moment the health comes back to normal. Eucalyptus oil is one of the remedies that is used to cure this problem faster.

The position of sleeping could also help reduce the problem. The problem becomes all the more if one sleeps on the back. Thus one must try and sleep on the sides. There are special anti snoring pillows available to keep the head elevated for people who are not able to sleep on their sides.

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Cognition And The Normal Adult

There are many things that can affect cognition in the normal adult. Going through life you might be presented with many things that can affect your personal cognition and recognizing these issues can help you preserve your cognitive abilities. Without the right cognitive abilities, you might not be able to fully take on life each day.

A brain injury is the number one way your cognition can be affected. Cognitive abilities are often interrupted if a brain injury has occurred. Knowing the extent of cognitive damage can help you to gain a full understanding of how you are going to repair this for the future. Brain injuries often have different levels of damage. A minor injury might not affect full cognition and there might be some rehabilitation that can improve the damage done to the brain if an injury has occurred.

Aging is another time when you can begin to see cognitive impairment. The aging process can often slow cognition over the years. This is often a subtle change and it can occur very slowly. By the time most people recognize this, there is a lot of impairment that has already occurred. There are many resources that an older person can use to improve cognitive ability as they age. This can help you to stay sharp even into the elderly time in your life.

Sleep disorders can cause problems with cognition. Sleep problems can be widespread. Many people cannot sleep at night and when they do sleep, they often wake up groggy. This can affect cognition and you might feel as though you are in a haze. This can have an impact on the things you do each day that use cognitive abilities and this can be very dangerous for some people. Instead of viewing a sleep disorder as a normal part of life, you can participate in a sleep study to see if there is a good solution to your problem.

There are many other things that can affect cognition. If you are having a hard time concentrating or doing things that were once easy for you, this can be a sign of a cognitive problem. There might be a simple medical explanation for this problem and this can be something that might be easily solved. Living with a decreased cognition is not something anyone should resolve to. Making some changes that strengthen your cognition can be one of the best gifts you give to yourself and your life.

Nathanael Eisenberg is the CEO of CogniFit, a company that develops software which measure and train cognitive abilities. We help people discover new insights about themselves and decide what to improve in their life.

The rapid growth of scientific knowledge around the brain creates new opportunities to help tackle some of the major challenges of the early part of the 21st century. Nathanael’s goal is to participate in the search of some of these additional solutions.

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Winterize Yourself

We are more at risk in the winter, not so much of the colder weather, but due to the fact that people will tend to congregate in more enclosed places, giving the opportunity for bacteria and viruses to be spread more readily. The common cold is characterized as an upper respiratory tract infection that involves any or all the airways, such as the nose, paranasal passages, throat, larynx and possibly the trachea and bronchi. The common cold is caused by any of a 100 or more types of bacteria that have so far been identified, and there probably will be more in the future. Many types of viruses will cause influenza, or the flu as it is commonly called. Some viruses are more virulent than others, and these new virulent strains will erupt each year. They can originate in other countries and will generally find their way here from people arriving here, or people who travel to other countries. There are many misconceptions as to what causes the common cold or the flu. One such misconception is that when the body becomes chilled, that individual will end up with a cold or the flu. That is not so! Another misconception is that the individuals state of health and whether they are nutritionally challenged may be a causative factor. Although this scenario is more likely to have an impact, it is not the chief causative factor. This scenario also takes into consideration the individuals physical attributes, such as stress and fatigue, affecting the immune system, leaving the individual more susceptible to any of the rhinoviruses that they come into contact with.

Exposure to the rhinovirus is usually when the individual comes into contact with someone who already is infected. Being in crowded areas makes it more likely that there will someone who is affected, and is coughing and sneezing. Shaking hands with that individual or anyone else that, that individual has shaken hands with will just spread the bacterium or virus. Touching an object that has been touched by the infected individual, such as a doorknob will spread these germs. The onset of the infection (incubation period), may take one to three days after exposure. The symptoms may start with a tickle in the throat with some difficulty in swallowing. This will progress to sneezing, coughing and a runny nose. Fever is generally not a factor in adults affected by the common cold, but may be more of a factor in children who may have a temperature of 100 to 102 F. (38 to 39C). Should the child’s temperature rise above these levels, a healthcare professional should be seen. The common cold if not treated properly, and the individual continues their daily activities without taking the proper steps to fight this infection, my find themselves with a more serious condition. The cold can progress to a pharyngitis, laryngitis and tracheitis. If still not treated, further progression can affect the bronchi and lungs. At this stage, if still not treated, the individual may end up with pneumonia. The common cold will generally run its course in 7 to 10 days. By intervening, and with proper treatment, the course of the cold can be reduced by at least 3 days. This intervention and treatment will also determine the severity of the symptoms. The best course is prevention of the cold in the first place. We will discuss this and what should be done if the cold strikes in the “Health Hints” below.

Health Hints***

Prevention is generally the best course. Colds and Flu generally is spread in enclosed areas where people tend to gather, such as meetings, parties, movies, etc. That isn’t to say, that we have to be hermits. When in the company of others, we should refrain from contact with anyone that is coughing or sneezing. We should make an effort to keep from handling doorknobs, handrails or any such objects that an infected individual may have handled. Again, I am not suggesting we become paranoid, but a little caution can certainly go a long way. Shaking hands is generally the norm in our civilized society. I think the Native Americans had the right idea, where instead of shaking hands, they would extend their hands to hold each other’s arm. A simple change in such etiquette can prevent the spread of viruses and bacterium.

1. Washing your hands often and correctly is something that should come naturally. When to wash:

  • After visiting the bathroom.
  • After greeting others.
  • After using the phone or other equipment that have been used by others.
  • Before you handle and prepare food.
  • After you finish handling food.
  • When you have been handling your pet.
  • After doing any household chores.
  • After doing any garden or yard work.

2. How to wash your hands:

  • First wet the hands under running water.
  • Lather your hands well.
  • Don’t let the running water wash the lather off.
  • Work the lather around the front, back, between the fingers and under the nails for at least 15 seconds.
  • Rinse the hands well under running water.
  • Dry the hands with a clean towel or a paper towel.

3. Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose or mouth, and your face in general. This alone will prevent you from spreading any germs you may have come in contact with and entering your body.

4. Maintaining your health and a healthy immune system is a must.

5. Some individuals may have weakened immune systems and may need an additional boost to restore it to a degree where it will give them maximum protection against colds and the flu.

The secret to maintaining a healthy immune system entails the following actions:

  • Starting with a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish and chicken.
  • Do not overeat, especially fatty foods. Fats can have an adverse effect and reduce the efficiency of the immune system, placing you more at risk for colds.
  • Have an exercise program that suits you, and one you can stay with. Doing your exercises at home can make you more apt to sticking with the program, because of its convenience. Check with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise program.
  • Stay active physically and just don’t rely on your exercise alone.
  • Keeping your mind sharp means mental exercises will sharpen your acuity and have a positive effect on your immune system.
  • Avoid stress and stressful situations as much as possible, as stress can play havoc with your immune system.
  • Get plenty of rest and that should include a good, restful nights’ sleep.
  • Be sure to drink plenty of water and keep hydrated, especially during exercise session, and all through the day.

In addition to all the above suggestions, adding the proper vitamins and minerals will boost your immune system to function at it’s maximum performance, just as a well tuned and maintained automobile will. Most researchers are in agreement that a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement should be taken at all ages. In 1970, Linus Pauling wrote the book, “Vitamin C And The Common Cold”. In later years he even proposed the value of vitamin C in combating the Flu, cardiovascular disease and cancer. He also believed in its properties for retarding the aging process. Later he added the B vitamins and vitamin E. Linus Pauling was a most respected scientist and researcher the world over. He won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1954 and again won the Nobel Prize for peace in 1962. Today, there is controversy among researchers as to the value of vitamin C in combating and the prevention of the common cold. I have been a believer and have taken vitamin C 500mg for over 57 years. Of course each individual must make their own choices, and if not sure should discuss it with their healthcare professional. Additional supplements should include the antioxidants, vitamins A, E and Beta Carotene. At the first sign of a cold, it may start with a tickle in the throat, take a 50 mg zinc lozenge 3 -5 times daily, and let it dissolve in your mouth. This can stop that cold in its tracks. If you have been exposed to a cold or flu, you may end up with as well. However, taking all the proper precautions and “Winterizing Yourself”, can be a great preventive, or at least minimize the effects.

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Coping With Surgery

People with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes should be taken care of in hospital if they need surgery, even if the operation is classed as a minor one. Surgery is never an easy experience to go through, even without complications. But while complications from surgery can occur for anyone, they can be even more prevalent for diabetics. Not only can their disease affect the preparation and the surgery itself, it can also have an impact on the outcome.

First, consider before the surgery. Surgery is stressful enough for a non-diabetic, but for diabetics this stress can become magnified very easily. Since stress and diabetes do not go together very well, keeping the stress levels under control also means keeping blood sugar levels that much closer to normal.

Prepping for surgery means having your body in as good a shape as possible. The better your disease is being managed, the better off you will be through the surgery process… including recovery. During an operation, blood pressure, heart rate and respiration are all closely monitored. Having normal readings before surgery is a benefit that will help you to not only get through the operation, but will allow your body to recover faster and with less complications.

This is when being on a regular exercise program is really going to pay off. The more fit your body is when going in for surgery, the faster your recovery will be. Plus, your body will undergo less stress during recovery and there will be less opportunity for complications.

Your doctor, and your surgeon, will not encourage surgery unless your disease is at least somewhat under control. If you take oral medications for diabetes and the surgery is minor, you can delay taking your medications until you are ready to eat. If the surgery is more major and you are likely to miss more than one meal, your surgeon may order you to have intravenous insulin.

Having elevated sugar levels will also affect the healing of your operation site and the possibility of contracting an infection. If an infection does occur, it will also be much more difficult to treat if sugar levels are out of balance, and will result in the recovery time being extended.

If you are a smoker or alcohol drinker, the time to stop is several weeks before surgery. The reduction in alcohol will help your blood sugar level and your tissues will respond better to oxygen. Plus, oxygen will also be absorbed much easier if the body is not laboring from cigarettes.

Post surgery, it is just as important to keep your blood sugar levels stable. Even if your appetite is affected, it is best to not skip meals or snacks. Hospitals cater for diabetics and will ensure you have what you need. Make sure you eat at the appropriate meal times since you will not have access to food other than that provided by the hospital.

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Tips for Beating Hay Fever

I am one of the three million Australians who suffer from hay fever. Every time springtime arrives so does the runny nose, itchy eyes and constant sneezing and wheezing as my body’s immune system goes to battle with allergies.

Hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinitis as some people call it is caused by common allergens in particular airborne pollen from flowers, trees and grasses, and can affect people all year round however springtime is hay fever time for me. Although not generally regarded as a serious condition, hay fever can severely affect your quality of life by interfering with your ability to work, sleep, exercise and socialise. I was once admitted to hospital (beginning of Springtime) after experiencing a rush engulf my body from my toes to my head ending in a massive headache, this sparks all kinds of concerns ending with the doctor concluding you have very bad sinus, in other words hay fever.

There appears to be no exact day I am going to suffer from the symptoms of hay fever, probably because the pollen levels on any given day are affected by temperature, humidity and the speed and direction of the wind. I have even felt the time of day can have a bearing on the symptoms of hay fever, as plants flower early in the day, making pollen counts particularly high between dawn and mid-morning.

My question is why me? Well I am told firstly, hay fever only affects people who have a tendency towards allergies (yet I am not allergic to insects), which occur when the body (immune system) has an exaggerated response to a substance that is normally tolerated by the body. These substances known as allergens initiate an immune response causing certain cells in the nose and eyes to release inflammatory histamines. These histamines inflame and irritate membranes of the nose and eyes causing a typical allergic response including blocked noses, runny noses, sneezing, and coughing and eye itchiness, among others.

Secondly, for hay fever to strike, you must be exposed to or come into contact with an allergen. Therefore to reduce the symptoms of hay fever you need to avoid exposure as much as possible.

So I have put together some tips for minimising the contact, to reduce the symptoms and put some normality back into my life, these include:

  • Number one – avoid going outdoors on particularly high wind days when the pollen count is generally high, some online weather site can provide this if you are internet savvy!
  • Number two – look at what is growing in your garden, and designing your garden in a way that minimises grasses and plant pollen; however I my case it is not what grows in my garden it is more what grows in the neighbours garden!
  • Number three – pollens/ dust can hide in carpets and rugs so we have removed all carpets from the house and now live on polished floor boards and tiles.
  • Number four – Maintain a dust free house, (dust mites contribute to hat fever) yes this means cleaning more regularly, vacuuming frequently to prevent any build-up of dust, as well as washing bedding and furnishing regularly
  • Number five – choosing your pets carefully, animals that loses lots of hair aren’t ideal for hay fever sufferers, however if you do washing them and their bedding regularly may reduce the symptoms.
  • Number six – first thing in the morning and throughout the day wash away the pollen from your eyes in other words continually rinsing your eyes, not only does it refresh you, it helps flush away pollen particles.
  • Number seven – Boost your immune system. We have always taken vitamin C, for colds, and from research it known to decrease histamine levels, and possible reduce symptoms. Horseradish contains compounds that may reduce respiratory congestion, possibly reducing running noses. And finally due to the fact that congested sinuses are a breeding ground for bacteria, I have had ear infection from time to time, so it was suggested to me garlic may prevent this because of its antimicrobial properties and like vitamin C also has immunostimulant properties in other words an agent that stimulates the immune system.

Above all don’t stress, stress can cause your immune system to function below its optimal level, hay fever for me is a seasonal condition, and I know it will ease after a few weeks, so I spend most weekends at the beach in clear air and lots of salt water that also works wonders for the sinuses.

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What Are Chantix Side Effects?

A range of medicines are available in the market that can help you get rid of nicotine addiction with ease and chantix s one of them. Guys, it s notable that chantix and Zyban are both are approved by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) as effective medications for inducing smoking cessation in adults. However, while using chantix, you may fall prey to a couple of effects triggered off by the medicine. These are especially termed as chantix side effects and some of these are particularly, pain in the head, sleep deprivation, constipation, gas and nausea.

Guys, the side effect yielded by chantix may trouble you to a certain extent but there is no need to worry as these are just temporary effects only and likely to disappear with time. However, it is also notable that as soon as you become a victim of these effects, you should contact the doctor immediately.

To keep chantix side effects at bay, you should take the medication as per the instructions of the physician. Take chantix dosages in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor and never take the medication in larger or smaller doses than instructed by him. This anti smoking drug is to be swallowed along with a glass of water and to extract maximum benefits from chantix use; you have to take it after food.

In case you miss a dose of chantix, you can take it as soon as you remember about it. But never opt for overdoses of chantix as intake of excessive dosages is likely to make you victim of d serious effects such as sore throat, fever, weakness, dizziness et al.

However, before opting for chantix, you should inform the doctor if you are suffering from kidney/heart disorder, problems in blood circulation or if you have a history of mental illness or depression. This medication is indeed effective for quit smoking and before taking chantix, you should inform the doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, it is worth-mentioning that chantix is for adults only and if you want to buy chantix at cost-effective prices, go for chantix online.

You can also purchase the stop smoking aid chantix straightway by visting the drug store located at the nearby market but if you buy chantix online, you would avail the medicine at reduced rates. Also, it is notable that chantix is available on prescription only and hence you can avail chantix only after procuring a chantix prescription from the physician.

So, first of all, get hold of a chantix prescription from the doctor and purchase chantix from authentic online drug stores at cost-effective prices.

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Thai Massage

If you have ever had or seen a massage, it was probably a Swedish massage, which is the most prevalent kind given in the Developed World. However, there is another form known as Thai massage which is catching on. In fact, Thai massage is one of the oldest variations of massage and could well be the oldest.

Thai massage is said in some Buddhist scripts to have been invented 2,500 years ago by Jivaka Komarabhacca, who was GP to Lord Buddha himself. There could well be much truth in that, but the Thai massage we see today is also likely to be a blend of styles from several regions including China and India.

– Thai massage is fairly exhausting, which makes it rather different from other variations of massage and makes it appear to be related to Yoga, although all the bending and stretching is forced upon the receiver by the massage therapist. Besides Yoga-like postures, this form of massage makes use of muscle compression, joint mobilization and acupressure.
– Thai massage can be carried out on a stiff massage bed, but in Thailand it is normally carried out on a thin mattress on the floor. The room might be private or there might be more than one client in there at a time.
– Thai massage is not usually carried out in the nude, but loose hanging clothes are recommended. No oil is used in this kind of massage, but lots of masseurs will use a sort of ‘deep heat’ cream.

A normal Thai massage session will last one or two hours, but can go on for three or more and there might be one or two masseurs working on a patient together.

  • The masseur begins with the feet and is similar to radiology. The masseur will bend and twist one foot at a time, stretch the toes and apply sustained pressure to various points on the sole of the foot.
  • The masseur then moves up the legs working from the front and the back. Thai masseurs employ their hands like most massage therapists, but when they want to apply more pressure, they will also use their elbows, knees and heels. It is simpler to give deep therapy to substantial muscles like those on the back of the thighs with the heels of the feet than with the hands.

The knees and elbows are utilized to massage the spine and the back in general and many masseurs walk on their client’s back to make full use of their weight. A decent masseur will massage you with their toes as they are standing on bones and pressure points in your spine and back. Sometimes they will walk up the backs of the legs too if the muscles are very tight.

Thai massage works with ‘sen’, which resemble but not the same as Chinese meridians. It is known to increase circulation, reduce stress and lower blood pressure and may even reduce weight.

The masseur also works with the arteries ceasing and impeding the flow of blood for short periods of time in order to manipulate the heart ‘from the inside’ so to speak.

Thai massage is very much a healing massage rather than one for light relaxation like Swedish massage, but when you are fit, it can be relaxing too.

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Sleep Hypnosis Tips

Many people think that hypnosis is something that most resembles sleep or being unconscious, but it is a popular misconception. People who undergo hypnosis are fully awake and are just focusing their attention while decreasing their peripheral awareness.

Some researchers say that about 80 to 90 % of all people are hypnotisable. So, if you are one of those who are thinking right now that you cannot undergo a good hypnosis session, you could indeed be wrong. And can you imagine any other form of treatment with this level of success rate?

General Hypnotherapy

The word hypnotherapy marks the use of hypnosis in psychotherapy. It is used by physicians with a licence, psychologists, psychiatrists and others to treat many unhealthy states. Licensed physicians and psychiatrists use hypnosis to treat states like depression, eating disorders, sleep disorders, stress states and compulsive addictive habits, while certified hypnotherapists often treat other bad habits like weight issues and smoking. They will also be able to give you many good sleep hypnosis tips.

Among other treatments you can find treatment of fears and phobias, pain management, psychological therapy, skin disease treatment, relaxation induction, irritable bowel syndrome, sports performance, habit control etc. It might sound unusual that there are other medical and psychotherapeutic uses to hypnosis, like skin disease treatment (hypnodermatolgy), but hypnosis is successfully used to treat warts, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Furthermore, there are implications that show that hypnosis was also investigated for military applications.

The phenomena when a person hypnotises themselves is called self-hypnosis. Most often it involves autosuggestion, a technique that is used to increase motivation for a given goal. On many occasions it is used for dieting, to quit smoking or to reduce stress.

Sleep Disorders and Hypnosis

Hypnosis can greatly improve your sleep disorders. It is common for people to doubt the effectiveness of such treatment for sleep problems, but it is stated that certain types of disorders really respond well to hypnosis. Those include bed wetting, insomnia, nightmares and sleep walking (somnambulism).

If you have problems falling or even staying asleep, a nice hypnosis session might be very helpful. There are many hypnosis sessions recorded by professional hypnotherapists that guide you through a hypnosis session. On-line you can easily find sleep hypnosis tips and test how well you react to the hypnotic process. Later you might even decide to buy a full hypnosis programme for yourself.

Sleep Hypnosis Tips

When you are testing hypnosis or undergoing a full session, you should follow some general sleep hypnosis tips. First of all, you should feel completely relaxed, and this state will come to you more and more easily over time, as you repeat your sessions.

It is important that you settle on your back and close your eyes. Your arms should be aligned with your body without hanging across your body and abdomen. Your legs should be relaxed, so it is best to lay down and make sure there are no interruptions.

Furthermore, good sleep hypnosis tips suggest that when you are comfortable, begin taking deep and long breaths, drawn from the diaphragm. They should feel like you are breathing with your stomach, while you are actually breathing with the lower part of your lungs.

While breathing, work on your muscles. Stretch and flex them, starting with your toes and going up. Release the tension in each part of your body, slowly working on your muscle groups, going up to your shoulders and then down your arms to your fingers.

You should have only one thing in mind – complete relaxation. If you start to wander, intentionally focus on putting that thought aside for a while and focus on your relaxation process.

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