How to Survive the Holidays Without Getting Fat
The holidays present a special time for all of us and also one that is challenging. With so many temptations that abound, it’s no wonder that this time of year people gain weight. On top of that, people tend to become more sedentary this time of year. Probably because it’s cold outside and the weather may not be good. Many times it’s simply people just wanting to stay in and relax from all the stress they’ve dealt with during the past year.
Whatever the reason is, people need to make an effort to getting through the holidays in relatively good shape. Having said that, what people need and what they want are two different things entirely. If you could simply change that thought pattern then you’ll be on your way to getting and staying in shape.
Now let’s see how you make it through the holidays without getting fat. I’m not even talking about using will power, either. It simply doesn’t work. That’s because your subconscious mind will take over. What you need is a plan of action, especially one based on the want factor.
Think about this for a second, okay? What is it about getting and staying in shape that’s really important to you? It’s got to be so powerful of a feeling that it permeates throughout your body. It could be health, though most people will gravitate towards looking great so others will take notice. That includes looking good for someone you especially like.
It could also be that you want to fit into certain size clothes. Now, list several reasons why you want to focus on eating healthy and exercise more. This will be your driving factor to getting and staying healthy. Imagine what you will feel like when you are able to get to where you want to go. What will your daily life be like? How will others around you respond to the new you? Simply hold into your mind that thought of your life when you are healthy and fit. Make the image so powerful as if you were actually living it. Imagine all you had to do to get to where you are at in that image. Then do it.
When you are having a holiday dinner, make sure to plan it ahead and see how you can make adjustments towards keeping it healthy. Part of what you’ll have to do is research healthy holiday dinners. Use smaller plates to serve your dinner on. This will create the illusion of abundance. There are many other “tricks” you can do too.
If you are going to someone else’s house for the holidays, try to find out ahead of what is being served. That way you can make adjustments to what you can eat. If you can, send them a recipe of certain dishes that may be appealing. Make sure you don’t step on any toes here. Don’t be overt about it. This is their party/dinner. Help if you can or if they ask for it. Remember, you want to keep it fun and lively.
Find time to keep your body moving throughout the day. If you can, get a little bit of exercise several times a day. Even 5 minutes will help. Just increase the intensity. Stay away from snacking junk. Instead, go for fresh fruits, veggies, and nuts. Drink plenty of water. And you should be able to survive the holidays coming out fairly healthy and fit. Now, have fun!!!
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Is It Really A Migraine?
Is that throbbing pulsating headache you are experiencing really a migraine? Over 40 million people experience migraine headaches. Migraine attacks are more common in women than men. In fact, they are about three times more common in women. It is one of the most common types of headache today.
How do you define migraine?
I’ve searched for a while for a migraine definition that is simple and easy to understand. Fellow sufferers describe it as a very painful and intolerable type of headache.
Medical practitioners define migraine as a kind of vascular headache. Researchers once believed the dilation and constriction of blood vessels in the head caused migraines. Scientists now believe migraines are inherited abnormalities in genes that control the activities of some of the cells in the brain.
My plain and simple migraine definition is a severe, throbbing and pulsating vascular headache that can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
Attacks are usually accompanied by several warning symptoms such as:
- seeing stars or flashes of light
- blind spots
- tingling in the arms and legs
- nausea
- vomiting
- increased sensitivity to light and sound
These symptoms are “auras”. You can have headache pain on either side of your head, sometimes pain can occur on both sides of your and occasionally you can have a migraine without a headache.
Types of Migraines
There are two major types of migraine: classical and non-classical. The type of migraine with an aura is called classical. The aura usually begins about 35 minutes before onset of the headache. You’ve probably noticed that you can almost predict when an attack is coming because you get one of the early warning signals. Maybe you began seeing flashes of light or perhaps you became nauseated and started vomiting. In a classical migraine your blood vessels become constricted. Then when it attacks there is an increase in size of your blood vessels. To get a jump-start on treating your headache pain you may want to take your migraine medication at the first sign of an aura symptom.
The second type of migraine is non-classical. Non-classical migraines hit without an aura or early warning symptoms. Some also call this a simple migraine. This headache occurs from the closing of the blood vessels up to the point of the blood vessels increasing in size. When a non-classical migraine hits you should take your medication at the first sign of headache pain.
Classical and non-classical are the most common types of migraine but there are still other forms of migraines. These are: cluster migraines, abdominal, ocular, basilar artery, retinal, confusional, hemiplegic, status migrainosus and carotidynia.
No matter how you define migraine, you’ll want to keep a migraine diary. In your diary track the type of migraine, any auras or early warning signs and symptoms, and what you ate preceding your headache. You may also want to look into herbal migraine remedies and supplements to help reduce your migraine frequency.
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How to Measure Progress While on a Diet
When on a diet and weight loss regime, it is often hard to see progress. This can lead to you feeling demotivated and wanting to give up. Seeing your progress as time goes by will make all those hours of healthy food and half killing yourself on the treadmill worth it. Here I will explain the different ways you can monitor your progress over time.
The first method of tracking progress is to take pictures of yourself topless in the mirror. Doing so once every 2 weeks in the same pose, in the same position, will enable you to see yourself progress as time goes by. This will be a great motivator and will make those hours of hard work feel worth it.
For best results I recommend taking a picture of:
-Front torso in relaxed state
-Front torso with abs tensed
-Relaxed shot from the side
Taking these pictures every fortnight will enable you to compare as time goes by and you will see that progress, the idea of taking photos will also be a great motivator for you to work hard for the next time you take a photo.
Another very simple way to measure your fat loss progress is to take regular measurements of your body. This requires no fancy equipment, simply a measuring tape. Even when you think you are making no progress, you may actually have lost some weight and measurements are a great way to prove this.
Places to measure include:
- Chest- Measure around the chest in line with your nipples, be careful not to pull the tape too tight as this will effect the results.
- Waist- Measure at approximately half an inch above your belly button around your waist.
- Thighs- Measure around the largest part of your thigh
- Calves and forearms- Measure around the biggest part of your forearms and your calves.
A simple way to track the progress is to take measurements every couple of weeks and I would recommend placing the measurements into a simple spreadsheet, or simply making a table so that you can easily see your progress as the weeks and months go by.
Another way to track your progress is to weigh yourself regularly. I recommend weighing yourself once a week, and I recommend doing it first thing in the morning wearing the same clothes every time so that there are no weight fluctuations due to heaviness of clothing or added food and water weight that you gain as the day goes on.
Remember you are aiming for around 1lb to 2lbs weight loss each week and so if you see this reflected in your weigh ins then you know you are on track!
The last way to track weight loss progress is through the monitoring of your body fat percentage. You can buy scales that do this, but they are very inaccurate and so I wouldn’t recommend using them. A great way to monitor body fat percentage is through buying a pair of calipers.
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Major Importance of Omega 3
Omega 3 is a fatty acid and can be of major importance to someone’s health. You might be wondering what is so great about omega 3. Well, for one humans cannot create this substance so we have to go out and consume it. Doesn’t sound so hard right? However the foods with a lot of omega 3 are salmon, brussel sprouts, soybeans, walnuts, cauliflower and dried ground cloves. Can you name something that all of these foods have in common? Yea that’s right, nobody buys them. How many people just love to eat brussel sprouts and cauliflower?
Due to this many people are deficient in omega 3. This reason this is so bad is because omega 3 is used in many things. For example say there was a huge shortage of plastic in the world. Imagine what kind of problems that would cause. The same thing happens with omega 3. One way this substance is used is to create cell membranes. Did you know that your entire body is made of cells? When you have healthy cells you will become healthier. The cell membrane is very important for the cell because it regulates what comes in it and what goes out. It’s sort of like the skin on people. If this cell membrane was weak due to someone not getting enough omega 3 than it might be easier for viruses, or harmful substances to hurt the cell.
Omega 3 is also used in neurons in the brain. In fact around 60% of the brain is fat. The brainiest scientists don’t fully understand how the brain fully works but they do know that all these neurons send signals back and forth. The better the connection with these signals the better someone use the brain to mesmerize facts, remember faces, think critically and solve puzzles. Omega 3 is used as sort of a protection around these neurons. Without omega 3 or if someone doesn’t get enough of this nutrient than maybe some of these neurons could get damaged and this could result in damaged brain function such as Alzheimer’s.
These are just two ways that omega 3 can be used and there are tons of others. I think it’s safe to say that omega 3 is of major importance to people when it comes to health. The big question now is what are you going to do about it? I recommend looking at fish oil as a great idea on how someone can get omega 3. This is because it’s easy to take, it doesn’t taste horrible, it’s less expensive and doesn’t have the risk of poisons like some salmon does.
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Migraine Sufferers’ Most Critical Questions
Until recently, treatment for migraine has focused on the patient’s cry for help: “I have to get better; please get rid of my pain!” A wide range of medical and alternative medicine resources are available to address this plea.
Migraine sufferers who cannot find sufficient relief have developed a new request: “Please help me live my best possible life, despite my pain!” Professional coaches specializing in migraines can work with migraineurs to address this area.
In my view, the primary physician should be your initial resource for migraine treatment. Your doctor will be able to order tests to rule out any major physiological reasons, hopefully, for your headaches. Many patients will find that their doctor’s recommendations – whether for medications, stress relief, lifestyle modification, etc. – reduce the frequency, duration or severity of their migraine attacks. Others will be referred to neurologists or migraine specialists for more detailed consultations.
Every migraine sufferer is different and has their unique response to treatment. There is a wide array of treatment options available, both inside and outside the traditional medical system. Some of these alternatives include acupuncture, therapeutic massage, meditation, and so on. If you are fortunate, at some point you will find adequate long-term relief from one or more of these therapies.
Migraines, as described by Dr. Carolyn Bernstein in her excellent 2008 book, “The Migraine Brain”, are caused by a common neurological condition called cortical spreading depression, which is ‘superexcitement’ of the brain when it is confronted by one of your triggers. There is no cure for migraine at this time.
After trying a number of alternatives, you may come to the realization that there is no combination of treatment options which can give you sustainable pain relief.
Even though you don’t want to give up the ongoing search for relief, your focus begins to shift to versions of the second question:
“I want to improve how I deal with my pain.”
“How can I have a better quality of life?”
“Please help me live my best possible life, even though I have regular pain.”
You find yourself in the position of anyone else who faces a life-long medical condition, such as arthritis or heart disease. The condition, and your response to it, can only be managed in future; it is unlikely that it will ever be resolved.
But there is a silver lining to this new reality: in general, when you look around, you realize that people respond to the same circumstances in very different ways. The way that you have reacted to your migraine pain up until now is not the only way — there may are better migraine management strategies which will allow you to achieve the improved quality of life which you seek.
The manner in which you react to a migraine attack may very well be ingrained and habitual by now, and it’s hard to modify it by yourself. The better way is to bring in a third party like a coach who will recognize and identify your hard-wired reactions, and help you to transform them into productive responses that will set you in the direction that you would like your life to go. Working with a coach tends to be more beneficial if you have episodic (less than 15 migraines per month) rather than chronic migraines (more than 14).
Migraine sufferers should work through their primary physician to see if they can relieve their pain. Sometimes significant pain relief cannot be obtained. Even then, the coaching alternative can provide them with hope that the quality of life that they can achieve will still be better than otherwise expected.
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The Cholesterol Paradox
Now that you’ve all been taught that saturated fat is bad because it raises your cholesterol level and gives you heart attacks, give me a few moments to unlearn you.
Cholesterol is your friend.
Your brain, being mostly cholesterol, doesn’t do much of a job when it runs short of the good stuff.
Plus, your endocrine system needs ample cholesterol to work. Every endocrine gland-thyroid, adrenals, the works-creates hormones to keep your body keeping on. And they make those hormones from cholesterol.
Low cholesterol means low hormones. And low hormones puts the endocrine system into a tizzy as they try-without success-to support each other.
Then there’s the pesky little fact that your body absorbs no nutrition from a meal that doesn’t include saturated fat.
Why do we even hope to feel good on a low-fat diet? When you’re starving your body of what it needs, you can’t really expect to be all perky and energetic.
So how did we get here?
Medicine misread a study on heart disease and launched a vendetta. I’ll write about that mess another time, but for now, let me assure you that cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease. Study after study proves that, but when somebody’s mind is made up, they don’t let facts get in their way.
If you don’t provide saturated fat to your body, it tries to whomp up some on its own. In the liver.
This is not the ideal situation. When you eat enough good saturated fat, the liver settles back and says, “Ah, Daddy’s home. All’s well.” Because that’s the body’s preferred path to health.
But a liver’s gotta do what a liver’s gotta do, so if you shortchange it, it will TRY to make cholesterol.
I emphasize TRY because our livers are fighting wars on many fronts, and victory can be iffy. For instance, high fructose corn syrup swamps the liver. Plus it raises triglycerides, uric acid, blood pressure, takes a swipe at your kidneys and creates general chaos. Did you know two cans of HFCS-sweetened soda a week-a week!-doubles your risk of pancreatic cancer. But I digress.
Cholesterol from the liver doesn’t work as well as cholesterol via the mouth. Maybe it would if your liver had fewer toxins to fight, but that’s not where we are.
And you wanna hear something really bad? Statin drugs “work” by preventing the liver from producing cholesterol. Not eating saturated fat and also preventing the liver from making cholesterol is a death wish.
You show love to your liver, your endocrine system and your brain by scarfing down ample saturated fat.
“Eek!” you say, “I’ll gain weight, get fat and destroy life as I know it!” Sigh. Another thing to unlearn.
When you avoid saturated fat, you put your body on starvation alert. It guards every single ounce of your heft, determined to keep death at bay. Now, even a quick look in the mirror might suggest there’s an ounce or two that would be okay to lose, but that’s not how your innards see it.
On the other hand, eating saturated fat comforts your body with the news there’s nothing to fear. And, with starvation no longer possible, it’s willing to let go of some poundage.
So saturated fat not only improves your health, it also gives your body permission to let go of some weight.
Please notice that at no point did I say ‘fat’ without the qualifying ‘saturated’ designation. Most vegetable oils, hydrogenated or not, are polyunsaturated murder. Avoid soy, corn, cottonseed, rape seed (canola), safflower, sunflower, hempseed, walnut and flax oils. And probably more. If in doubt, leave it out.
Finally, didja know eating saturated fat lowers your cholesterol levels? Yup! It sure does! That kinda defies logic, but then our bodies are about biochemistry, not logic.
But eat good saturated fat. I’ll talk about what “good” means another time.
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Side Effects Of Oral Anti-Diabetic Medications
Metformin is prescribed for many people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes because it does a good job of lowering blood sugar. One of the side effects, however, is that it can lower levels of vitamin B12 and the B vitamin folate, or folic acid, as well as raising levels of a molecule called homocysteine. Homocysteine can cause oxidation, leading to cell damage.
Investigators at the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in Iran set out to discover whether giving people with Type 2 diabetes folate supplements could raise their:
- vitamin B12 levels,
- lower homocysteine levels, and
- lower oxidation, and
- inflammation.
Their results were published in June 2011 in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
Sixty-eight men with Type 2 diabetes were included in the study:
One group was given 5 mg per day of folic acid while another group was given a placebo for eight weeks.
– The folate-supplemented group showed lowered homocysteine levels by the end of the study along with a raised antioxidant capacity and increased levels of folate and vitamin B12.
The group taking folic acid also showed lowered levels of malondialdehyde, a toxin that can harm cells and is used to measure oxidative stress.
– The placebo group showed no changes.
Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, and vitamin B12 are necessary for the bone marrow to make red blood cells. Lack of either vitamin can cause megaloblastic or macrocytic anemia, in which the bone marrow makes overly large, immature red blood cells.
Signs and symptoms of folic acid deficiency include:
- tiredness,
- diarrhea,
- prematurely gray hair,
- mouth ulcers,
- poor growth, and
- a swollen tongue.
Signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include:
- weakness,
- light-headedness,
- pale skin,
- sore red tongue,
- bleeding gums,
- nausea,
- weight loss,
- diarrhea, and
- constipation.
The recommended daily intake of folic acid is 4.0 mg per day for adults over 19 years of age.
- One cup of fortified breakfast cereal provides 2.0 to 4.0 mg of folate.
- A cup of spinach provides about 2.6 mg
- A half-cup of lentils provides about 1.8 mg.
Other foods with a good supply of folic acid include other beans and legumes, other dark green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, wheat bran and whole grains.
The recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms.
- A cup of fortified breakfast cereal contains 1.5 micrograms of vitamin B12.
Certain types of yeast are also available for providing vitamin B12.
Volunteers in the study were given 5.0 mg of folic acid per day; not 50. If one pill is good for you, two pills are likely to cause an overdose. Discuss with your doctor whether testing for folate deficiency is a good idea for you.
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Cure Crohn’s Disease – The Vegan Way
You know, Crohn’s Disease is a nasty disorder. Those who suffer with it will surely testify to that. Why do I say this? Because I had Crohn’s Disease and it literally drove me up the wall for over 10 years. I had constant vomiting and stomach aches that put me into the fetal position for hours.
Many people search on the internet for a way to heal this problem. Be it medical, holistic, homeopathic, or other means.
I want to discuss something that most people just are not aware of. And that is the Vegan Diet.
– Most people have heard of it.
– Some think it is a fad or outrageous.
– Others think that you cannot get the right amount of protein from eating a diet like this.
I want to explain to you that it is not a fad. It is not outrageous. And by the way, you can still get the right amount of protein into your body with this diet.
First of all, the human body is as most people know, is a very complex machine. It can operate on its own without you telling it what to do. For example, your lungs inflate and deflate rather naturally. Your heart beats all on its own hour after hour.
These are just a fraction of what is going on inside your body that you may or may not be aware of.
The digestive tract is not to be overlooked either. Every time you eat something, the body goes to work breaking down what you put into it. Turning the food into fuel to help sustain and maintain the body. Depending on what kinds of food you put into your body, determines the health and vitality of it.
Certain foods contain higher amounts of nutrition than others. This is an easy concept for most people to grasp. However, it is much more difficult to get some people to understand that not all foods will do the body the best good. This presents a huge challenge. Especially when it comes the well being of another person.
Everyone has their own opinion of course. They want to do what they want to do with their own body. However, if you can get a person to see what was originally meant for the body to use as food, and get them to realize the benefits of it, then they will appreciate the benefits. This is why the Vegan Diet is so important to sustaining life in the human body.
Because I suffered so much with Crohn’s Disease, I had to do something to stop it. Sometimes you just have to take a step backward, and look at what is going on inside you. Then you ask yourself, “Do I want to continue going through this?” “How can I have the greatest and long lasting health benefit?” “What solution will bring this about?”
Once you ask yourself these questions, its time to examine what will give you the best results.
I used the Vegan Diet because is was the most logical and sound solution to my health problem. I examined how my body worked by studying digestion and its processes. The body has a certain way to digest food and will only work best if it is given the correct kind of fuel.
You certainly would not put sugar into the gas tank of your car. Because that’s crazy, right? Or course. Your car runs on a special kind of “food” for your car. Gasoline to be exact. So with that in mind, why should it be any different for the human body? As you come to understand its functions, it runs on a special kind of “fuel”, too.
Now a lot of folks get really bogged down here. They just want to eat what they want to eat because it makes them feel good or fuller or it tastes good. Yet have they at least considered what the end result of their food choices will be? Most people, sad to say, do not. I certainly learned this the hard way. It really is not the best way to learn if you have the information at your fingertips, from say, the internet.
There is something very special in the Vegan Diet that helps the body to run right. If you have been eating this way since childhood, no problems. However, if you haven’t, then it will take the human body a little time to correct itself.
To cleanse, to clean out, to absorb the right nutrients that it was meant to use. Then, after a short period, the body will begin to show you why this diet is so much more better for you.
This is what I discovered when I switched diets. Your whole system changes for the better. You feel cleaner inside. I actually felt lighter for some reason. My body works better now.
Everyone experiences something different from the other. And it usually is a very positive one. Of course, no more stomach aches or vomiting was the best benefit. And I started to have a clearer mind, too.
Once you understand how to cook and prepare Vegan Foods, the mystery of this diet just goes away. Some may say, “It’s too hard to change the way I cook.” or “This diet is too bland for me.” Unfortunately, these are just a couple of poor excuses for not using the diet. Man is fully capable of achieving just about anything he or she has set their mind to do. I have seen this countless times. So it is not impossible to change diets. Only with the will of the person. I should know.
Listen, I actually died in an ambulance because of the severe vomiting I had. All due to the meat diet I was on and all the junk I used to eat. The EMT’s had to use the electric paddles on me to restart my heart! In my younger years, I was so stubborn. I really shudder when I think at how ridiculous I was.
The same goes for the diet. There is no need to be stubborn when health is just a plateful away. You are not eating tree bark. Or nasty tasting roots. There are so many incredible Vegan Recipes on YouTube for example, I could never list them all. You should watch some of them and see. I have sat at my computer watching some of the videos explaining how to cook these delicious dishes, that it makes my mouth water just thinking about it. I have made some of them. And I have just substituted the Vegan ingredients for what I used to use. One of my favorites is Spaghetti and Meatballs. Really hard, huh?
I have been on the Vegan Diet for almost 6 years now. And I couldn’t be happier. It’s amazing how long its been since I stopped eating animal foods. Anyway, I just wanted to share some thoughts about the wonderful benefits the Vegan Diet has given me and what it could do for you.
Give yourself permission to enjoy using the Vegan Diet. Your body will thank you and you will be a lot happier and healthier for doing so.
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