Exercise – Probably the Best Pill of All

How Much Exercise is Enough?

If you have been inactive then the following tips may apply.

Easy does it. Better to start with a 10- or 15-minute walk daily and build this up over a few weeks as your body gets used to it. Remember, taking exercise each day does not have to involve going to the gym. Simple measures can work to increase your activity levels on a daily basis. These may include:

  • Parking your car further away from your office. This can give you a chance to get a 5- or 10-minute walk each way.
  • Taking the stairs where possible instead of the elevator
  • Going for a walk at lunch time
  • Buying a pedometer (step counter). This is an inexpensive and fairly accurate gadget that can measure how many steps you take each day. It works by detecting the motion of the hips and is thought to be accurate to within 5 to 10 per cent. Try to aim for 10,000 steps per day when you are up and at it. This can be a very useful motivational tool to help increase your activity levels.

Keeping an exercise diary can be a useful way of tracking your progress in this area. By using a weekly planner you can schedule in days and times when you plan to take exercise. Reviewing this on a weekly basis can allow you to see how well you did over the previous week, whether you achieved your target and how you can improve in the following week. This weekly diary is a great way to monitor your progress in a wide range of health parameters, especially diet and exercise.

Walking is great exercise for almost everyone. It can be a good way to stay in shape and can also be quite sociable, if you walk with a partner or friend. Remember, life is not a dress rehearsal. Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

The only rule about exercise is that there are no rules. To get the maximum health benefits from exercise this ‘magic health pill’ needs to be taken regularly, ideally on a daily basis, but at least four to five times a week. After that you are free to choose whatever works for you.

Can Exercise Be Harmful?

For most people, most of the time, exercise is very safe and only good for your health. By following the six sensible steps listed below you can minimise the risks of any health-related problems connected with exercise. Sudden death during exercise has received a lot of publicity recently. This is quite rare and more likely to occur when someone takes intense vigorous exercise after a period of inactivity, for example, a vigorous game of squash. Sudden Athletic Death Syndrome (SADS) appears to have become more prevalent in recent times and can tragically result in the loss of young life. The precise cause is unknown and is the subject of ongoing research. Sometimes it is caused by an irregularity of the heartbeat or thickening of the heart muscle (called cardiomyopathy). Screening for these conditions can sometimes lead to the early detection of possible future cardiac problems.

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Reduce Your Anxiety! The Sensate Focus

You do need to keep on doing this for as long as it takes to develop the skill of just being in the moment (or, at least, being more in the moment).

Relax, relax, relax, and be in the moment….

Initially, before you try sensate focus, you need to let your thoughts and your body relax. This may be as easy as breathing in and out, but the truth is that the level of relaxation we’re talking about here is a lot deeper than the casual relaxation you might enjoy when you sit down after a hard day’s work to watch TV, say. This kind of deep relaxation takes a little time and effort to achieve.

Whatever method you use, you will start your sensate focus sessions by emp­tying your mind for fifteen minutes, and continue to use the relaxation tech­niques throughout the exercises that take place eventually.

You can develop the art of relaxation through deep breathing. There are several methods you can utilize:

First Method for Relaxation

Lie down on the bed, on your back, and breathe slowly and deeply. If you want, you can put your hands on your tummy as you deep breathe: deep abdominal breathing can be far more relaxing than shallow chest breathing, and you can feel your diaphragm rising and falling with your hand.

Each time you exhale, relax more and more. As if you are exhaling all your wor­ries all away! Focus on your breathing. Every time you become aware that your attention has wandered, gently “grab” it back to your breathing, with a gentle note to yourself that the reason of what you are doing is to be in the moment. Put your attention briefly on the places in your body where you feel the stress, and feel them relax as you become aware of them. Keep practicing for fifteen minutes or so, until you feel more relaxed.

Second Method for Relaxation

This is the exercise that can be effective for treating impotence, and it’s what most psychologists would advice.

Lie chest to back on your sides with your wife on the bed in the spoons posi­tion. You’re both facing the same way, so you can tuck yourselves together. You can begin either way round, and swap afterwards. The objective of the exercise is to synchronize your breathing. You both breathe in and out at the same time, slowly and calmly. One of you leads, and the other follows, sensing the time to breathe in and the time to breath out by feeling the movement of your wife’s body close to you, sound sexy isn’t it? Whenever you permit your­self to give up other thoughts and focus on the each other’s body touching and synchronized breathing, you’ll find this is a wonderfully relaxing and calming method that allows you to develop great feelings of intimacy and oneness to your wife. After you’ve spent five or ten minutes breathing one way, move over so the other person is in front and repeat the procedure.

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