Tips on How to Help Your Overweight Child

The change has to start in the household, please DO NOT blame your child for their weight issues, instead follow these tips on how to help change the behavior.

1. Be supportive - do not say negative things about their weight instead be supportive and encourage a healthier lifestyle; not just by talking about it, but by living it.

2. Listen to your child’s concerns about their weight - Kids are smart, they know they have a weight problem so talk to them about their feelings regarding it

3. Bring more fruits and vegetables in the house - Allow your child to shop with you and pick out their favorite ones. If they are more concerned with the sugary food aisle, then just bring home the produce that you know they will eat before you start introducing too many new foods.

4. Purchase fewer soft drinks and processed snacks - Instead purchase water, fresh vegetables such as carrots, cucumber slices, nuts, raisins, sunflower seeds, low fat milk, and fresh fruit.

5. Skip the fast food lane - Start experimenting with some new recipes that you have been dying to try. Just because the fast food lane exists, it doesn’t mean we have to utilize it. Did you know that just ONE visit to a fast food joint could rack up an entire days worth of calories. Cook at home and make it family time where you can discuss their day, school, goals, or homework.

6. Don’t discourage your child if they hesitate on trying a new food at first - Some kids need to see a food over 10 times before they will eat it.

7. Do NOT use food as a reward. Food is fuel for our bodies; it is not a reward nor a punishment of any kind. By promising dessert if they finish their broccoli is only sending out mixed messages and making the vegetables seem less valuable.

8. Be active together - Incorporate active chores such as washing the car, vacuuming, or sweeping the sidewalk. Plan active trips like a family bike ride, a walk through a local park, a trip to the zoo.

9. Set a good example - Your child will follow your lead. If they see you are being active and putting your health first, they will start to do the same. Don’t talk the talk unless you walk the Walk.

10. Encourage your child to join a sport - it doesn’t have to be a school sport, try an event at the local community center or an after school class that peaks their interest. This opens up time for you to communicate what your child likes to do; do they like to dance, gymnastics, run- there are all kinds of activities available to fit their interest.

For the first time in history we will outlive our own child, which is a sad fact so we have to take control of it NOW. We must take the control back from food. The more junk we feed our children the closer to disease we are pushing them. Let’s start being the healthy role model in our families that they need.

Posted in Weight Loss