Cure Crohn’s Disease – The Vegan Way
You know, Crohn’s Disease is a nasty disorder. Those who suffer with it will surely testify to that. Why do I say this? Because I had Crohn’s Disease and it literally drove me up the wall for over 10 years. I had constant vomiting and stomach aches that put me into the fetal position for hours.
Many people search on the internet for a way to heal this problem. Be it medical, holistic, homeopathic, or other means.
I want to discuss something that most people just are not aware of. And that is the Vegan Diet.
– Most people have heard of it.
– Some think it is a fad or outrageous.
– Others think that you cannot get the right amount of protein from eating a diet like this.
I want to explain to you that it is not a fad. It is not outrageous. And by the way, you can still get the right amount of protein into your body with this diet.
First of all, the human body is as most people know, is a very complex machine. It can operate on its own without you telling it what to do. For example, your lungs inflate and deflate rather naturally. Your heart beats all on its own hour after hour.
These are just a fraction of what is going on inside your body that you may or may not be aware of.
The digestive tract is not to be overlooked either. Every time you eat something, the body goes to work breaking down what you put into it. Turning the food into fuel to help sustain and maintain the body. Depending on what kinds of food you put into your body, determines the health and vitality of it.
Certain foods contain higher amounts of nutrition than others. This is an easy concept for most people to grasp. However, it is much more difficult to get some people to understand that not all foods will do the body the best good. This presents a huge challenge. Especially when it comes the well being of another person.
Everyone has their own opinion of course. They want to do what they want to do with their own body. However, if you can get a person to see what was originally meant for the body to use as food, and get them to realize the benefits of it, then they will appreciate the benefits. This is why the Vegan Diet is so important to sustaining life in the human body.
Because I suffered so much with Crohn’s Disease, I had to do something to stop it. Sometimes you just have to take a step backward, and look at what is going on inside you. Then you ask yourself, “Do I want to continue going through this?” “How can I have the greatest and long lasting health benefit?” “What solution will bring this about?”
Once you ask yourself these questions, its time to examine what will give you the best results.
I used the Vegan Diet because is was the most logical and sound solution to my health problem. I examined how my body worked by studying digestion and its processes. The body has a certain way to digest food and will only work best if it is given the correct kind of fuel.
You certainly would not put sugar into the gas tank of your car. Because that’s crazy, right? Or course. Your car runs on a special kind of “food” for your car. Gasoline to be exact. So with that in mind, why should it be any different for the human body? As you come to understand its functions, it runs on a special kind of “fuel”, too.
Now a lot of folks get really bogged down here. They just want to eat what they want to eat because it makes them feel good or fuller or it tastes good. Yet have they at least considered what the end result of their food choices will be? Most people, sad to say, do not. I certainly learned this the hard way. It really is not the best way to learn if you have the information at your fingertips, from say, the internet.
There is something very special in the Vegan Diet that helps the body to run right. If you have been eating this way since childhood, no problems. However, if you haven’t, then it will take the human body a little time to correct itself.
To cleanse, to clean out, to absorb the right nutrients that it was meant to use. Then, after a short period, the body will begin to show you why this diet is so much more better for you.
This is what I discovered when I switched diets. Your whole system changes for the better. You feel cleaner inside. I actually felt lighter for some reason. My body works better now.
Everyone experiences something different from the other. And it usually is a very positive one. Of course, no more stomach aches or vomiting was the best benefit. And I started to have a clearer mind, too.
Once you understand how to cook and prepare Vegan Foods, the mystery of this diet just goes away. Some may say, “It’s too hard to change the way I cook.” or “This diet is too bland for me.” Unfortunately, these are just a couple of poor excuses for not using the diet. Man is fully capable of achieving just about anything he or she has set their mind to do. I have seen this countless times. So it is not impossible to change diets. Only with the will of the person. I should know.
Listen, I actually died in an ambulance because of the severe vomiting I had. All due to the meat diet I was on and all the junk I used to eat. The EMT’s had to use the electric paddles on me to restart my heart! In my younger years, I was so stubborn. I really shudder when I think at how ridiculous I was.
The same goes for the diet. There is no need to be stubborn when health is just a plateful away. You are not eating tree bark. Or nasty tasting roots. There are so many incredible Vegan Recipes on YouTube for example, I could never list them all. You should watch some of them and see. I have sat at my computer watching some of the videos explaining how to cook these delicious dishes, that it makes my mouth water just thinking about it. I have made some of them. And I have just substituted the Vegan ingredients for what I used to use. One of my favorites is Spaghetti and Meatballs. Really hard, huh?
I have been on the Vegan Diet for almost 6 years now. And I couldn’t be happier. It’s amazing how long its been since I stopped eating animal foods. Anyway, I just wanted to share some thoughts about the wonderful benefits the Vegan Diet has given me and what it could do for you.
Give yourself permission to enjoy using the Vegan Diet. Your body will thank you and you will be a lot happier and healthier for doing so.
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