Discover the Cause of Leg Cramps At Night

Do you suffer from cramps at night? It’s a problem than thousands face every month. These cramps aren’t serious, but they sure are aggravating. Wouldn’t it be great to find a natural solution to these night leg cramps?

Let’s start by addressing what nighttime leg cramps are. They are a quick constricting of the calf, thigh or foot muscles. They can be very painful, but usually to go away after a seconds or minutes.

  • To stop the spasm, pull your spasming foot up towards your knee while sitting and keeping your leg straight.
  • You can also attempt standing and jiggling the leg to get the blood to flow.
  • Some find that taking a warm bath can help.
  • While others find relief using a ice pack.

But whatever it is you try, the cramp is typically temporary. Therefore, most of these leg cramp remedies tend to be used just to distract you from the spasm while the body deals with the issue and fixes it.

The optimum remedy for leg cramps is to not have the cramp happen in the first place. Since leg cramps seem to happen randomly, it can sometimes be difficult to determine what is causing them. If you have just started to experience leg cramps, ask yourself this:

  • What am I doing differently?
  • Perhaps you just started running or weight lifting?
  • Did you start a new career that causing you to be on your feet most of the time?
  • Has the food you are eating changed?

Sometimes intuition is your greatest teacher. Find a quiet location, relax, and take 3 deep breathes. Then, say to yourself: “What is causing these leg cramps?” Then, just be silent and listen for the answer. Did an idea just pop into your head? Even if it seems silly, exam it to see what truth it holds. Anytime your body displays discomfort, it is for a reason. Discomfort is how your body tells you to change your actions. It says: What you are doing isn’t working.

If you are under a lot of stress, this could lead to leg cramps at night. For example, thyroid issues are sometimes seen as a cause of leg cramps. The thyroid helps regulate metabolism, lessen bad cholesterol, and provide energy to the body. If you aren’t giving your thyroid proper nutrients perhaps an issue could develop.

Another solution for spasms at night is the implementation of more potassium in your diet. Runners, for example, burn through a lot of this mineral, and can sometimes experience cramps. By eating a banana a day (high in potassium) you can provide your muscles this vital mineral. Plus, make sure you are drinking plenty of clean, filtered water. Reverse osmosis water with a squeeze of fresh lemon is a great type of water to drink.

While leg cramps at night are not fun, know that you can make them no longer necessary. By searching until you discover the cause, you can remove the need for these cramps to occur.

Posted in Diseases