
Atopy was assessed by means of skin-prick tests for common allergens

The diagnosis and classification of asthma was based on clinical history, physical examination, and pulmonary function parameters, which were measured according to international guidelines. Children with asthma who were treated with steroids received maintenance therapy with low to medium doses of ICSs (budesonide fluticasone propionate) at a constant dose for at least 2 months. The overall average daily dose of ICS was 300 pg/d. Thirteen steroid-treated asthmatic children also received treatment with long-acting p2-agonists (salmeterol, 100 pg/d), whereas steroid-naive asthmatic children received no drugs.

Atopy was assessed by means of skin-prick tests for common allergens (eg, house dust mite, grass pollen, Parietaria, Artemisia, Alternaria, and cat). Patients had experienced no upper respiratory tract infections in the previous 3 weeks. Patients were excluded from the study if they had used oral steroids in the last 4 weeks or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the last 2 weeks.

Twelve healthy children without a history of asthma and atopy were recruited. They had negative results of skin-prick tests, normal pulmonary function parameters, and no history of respiratory infections in the previous 4 weeks.

Study Design

The type of study was cross-sectional. Children attended the Pulmonology/Allergy Outpatient Clinic of the Department of Pediatrics of the University of Padova on one occasion for clinical examination, FeNO measurement, EBC collection, and spirometry. Informed consent was obtained from parents, and the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Padova.

Pulmonary Function

FEV1, FVC, and midexpiratory phase of forced expiratory flow (FEF25-75) were measured by means of a 10-L bell spirometer (Biomedin; Padova, Italy), and the best value of three maneuvers, expressed as the percentage of predicted values, was chosen.

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EBC samples were collected in a specially designed condenser consisting of a glass chamber cooled by ice that was suspended in a larger glass chamber, as described previously. EBC was collected between the two glass surfaces. Children were instructed to breath tidally through a mouthpiece connected to the condenser for 15 min without noseclip.

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The Natural Course of Atopy and the Possibility of Immunity

Here too, the disease could be influenced by social changes in the West, such as increased numbers of sexual partners. Atopic diseases are more common in subjects with HIV. Whether this is a matter of one disease increasing susceptibility to the other or a matter of common factors favoring transmission is worth questioning.

In epidemiologic studies in the late 1950s and early 1960s, we found a small, but significantly increased, risk for nonallergic canadian viagra online pharmacy, family history-negative adults who married partners with hay fever or asthma (Table 1). To our knowledge, this situation never has been explored further. Because the proposition met with so much skepticism, further work was dropped. However, we had an opportunity to perform a pilot study by joining psychiatrist colleagues in adding our detailed questionnaire when they interviewed numbers of 367 adoptive families. Adoptive parents with asthma or allergic rhinitis, especially an adoptive mother with asthma, posed a high risk for hay fever or asthma in the adoptee (mother asthma/adoptee asthma, 31%; rhinitis, 24%), which was comparable to that posed by asthma in a natural mother. Other prospective studies should be performed.

Two studies of pulmonary therapists compared with physiotherapists and radiology technicians found that 7.1% of the pulmonary therapists with a negative personal and family history had developed asthma since beginning their profession, compared with 2.4% of those in a control group. The low, but very significantly increased, risk for pulmonary therapists and marital partners seemed to indicate substantial immunity in the adult population. Well-planned prospective studies are needed.

To sum up, there is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant performing studies that would be carried out if the idea of an infectious cause were not considered to be impossible.

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Cure Crohn’s Disease – The Vegan Way

You know, Crohn’s Disease is a nasty disorder. Those who suffer with it will surely testify to that. Why do I say this? Because I had Crohn’s Disease and it literally drove me up the wall for over 10 years. I had constant vomiting and stomach aches that put me into the fetal position for hours.

Many people search on the internet for a way to heal this problem. Be it medical, holistic, homeopathic, or other means.

I want to discuss something that most people just are not aware of. And that is the Vegan Diet.

– Most people have heard of it.
– Some think it is a fad or outrageous.
– Others think that you cannot get the right amount of protein from eating a diet like this.

I want to explain to you that it is not a fad. It is not outrageous. And by the way, you can still get the right amount of protein into your body with this diet.

First of all, the human body is as most people know, is a very complex machine. It can operate on its own without you telling it what to do. For example, your lungs inflate and deflate rather naturally. Your heart beats all on its own hour after hour.

These are just a fraction of what is going on inside your body that you may or may not be aware of.

The digestive tract is not to be overlooked either. Every time you eat something, the body goes to work breaking down what you put into it. Turning the food into fuel to help sustain and maintain the body. Depending on what kinds of food you put into your body, determines the health and vitality of it.

Certain foods contain higher amounts of nutrition than others. This is an easy concept for most people to grasp. However, it is much more difficult to get some people to understand that not all foods will do the body the best good. This presents a huge challenge. Especially when it comes the well being of another person.

Everyone has their own opinion of course. They want to do what they want to do with their own body. However, if you can get a person to see what was originally meant for the body to use as food, and get them to realize the benefits of it, then they will appreciate the benefits. This is why the Vegan Diet is so important to sustaining life in the human body.

Because I suffered so much with Crohn’s Disease, I had to do something to stop it. Sometimes you just have to take a step backward, and look at what is going on inside you. Then you ask yourself, “Do I want to continue going through this?” “How can I have the greatest and long lasting health benefit?” “What solution will bring this about?”

Once you ask yourself these questions, its time to examine what will give you the best results.

I used the Vegan Diet because is was the most logical and sound solution to my health problem. I examined how my body worked by studying digestion and its processes. The body has a certain way to digest food and will only work best if it is given the correct kind of fuel.

You certainly would not put sugar into the gas tank of your car. Because that’s crazy, right? Or course. Your car runs on a special kind of “food” for your car. Gasoline to be exact. So with that in mind, why should it be any different for the human body? As you come to understand its functions, it runs on a special kind of “fuel”, too.

Now a lot of folks get really bogged down here. They just want to eat what they want to eat because it makes them feel good or fuller or it tastes good. Yet have they at least considered what the end result of their food choices will be? Most people, sad to say, do not. I certainly learned this the hard way. It really is not the best way to learn if you have the information at your fingertips, from say, the internet.

There is something very special in the Vegan Diet that helps the body to run right. If you have been eating this way since childhood, no problems. However, if you haven’t, then it will take the human body a little time to correct itself.

To cleanse, to clean out, to absorb the right nutrients that it was meant to use. Then, after a short period, the body will begin to show you why this diet is so much more better for you.

This is what I discovered when I switched diets. Your whole system changes for the better. You feel cleaner inside. I actually felt lighter for some reason. My body works better now.

Everyone experiences something different from the other. And it usually is a very positive one. Of course, no more stomach aches or vomiting was the best benefit. And I started to have a clearer mind, too.

Once you understand how to cook and prepare Vegan Foods, the mystery of this diet just goes away. Some may say, “It’s too hard to change the way I cook.” or “This diet is too bland for me.” Unfortunately, these are just a couple of poor excuses for not using the diet. Man is fully capable of achieving just about anything he or she has set their mind to do. I have seen this countless times. So it is not impossible to change diets. Only with the will of the person. I should know.

Listen, I actually died in an ambulance because of the severe vomiting I had. All due to the meat diet I was on and all the junk I used to eat. The EMT’s had to use the electric paddles on me to restart my heart! In my younger years, I was so stubborn. I really shudder when I think at how ridiculous I was.

The same goes for the diet. There is no need to be stubborn when health is just a plateful away. You are not eating tree bark. Or nasty tasting roots. There are so many incredible Vegan Recipes on YouTube for example, I could never list them all. You should watch some of them and see. I have sat at my computer watching some of the videos explaining how to cook these delicious dishes, that it makes my mouth water just thinking about it. I have made some of them. And I have just substituted the Vegan ingredients for what I used to use. One of my favorites is Spaghetti and Meatballs. Really hard, huh?

I have been on the Vegan Diet for almost 6 years now. And I couldn’t be happier. It’s amazing how long its been since I stopped eating animal foods. Anyway, I just wanted to share some thoughts about the wonderful benefits the Vegan Diet has given me and what it could do for you.

Give yourself permission to enjoy using the Vegan Diet. Your body will thank you and you will be a lot happier and healthier for doing so.

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Discover the Cause of Leg Cramps At Night

Do you suffer from cramps at night? It’s a problem than thousands face every month. These cramps aren’t serious, but they sure are aggravating. Wouldn’t it be great to find a natural solution to these night leg cramps?

Let’s start by addressing what nighttime leg cramps are. They are a quick constricting of the calf, thigh or foot muscles. They can be very painful, but usually to go away after a seconds or minutes.

  • To stop the spasm, pull your spasming foot up towards your knee while sitting and keeping your leg straight.
  • You can also attempt standing and jiggling the leg to get the blood to flow.
  • Some find that taking a warm bath can help.
  • While others find relief using a ice pack.

But whatever it is you try, the cramp is typically temporary. Therefore, most of these leg cramp remedies tend to be used just to distract you from the spasm while the body deals with the issue and fixes it.

The optimum remedy for leg cramps is to not have the cramp happen in the first place. Since leg cramps seem to happen randomly, it can sometimes be difficult to determine what is causing them. If you have just started to experience leg cramps, ask yourself this:

  • What am I doing differently?
  • Perhaps you just started running or weight lifting?
  • Did you start a new career that causing you to be on your feet most of the time?
  • Has the food you are eating changed?

Sometimes intuition is your greatest teacher. Find a quiet location, relax, and take 3 deep breathes. Then, say to yourself: “What is causing these leg cramps?” Then, just be silent and listen for the answer. Did an idea just pop into your head? Even if it seems silly, exam it to see what truth it holds. Anytime your body displays discomfort, it is for a reason. Discomfort is how your body tells you to change your actions. It says: What you are doing isn’t working.

If you are under a lot of stress, this could lead to leg cramps at night. For example, thyroid issues are sometimes seen as a cause of leg cramps. The thyroid helps regulate metabolism, lessen bad cholesterol, and provide energy to the body. If you aren’t giving your thyroid proper nutrients perhaps an issue could develop.

Another solution for spasms at night is the implementation of more potassium in your diet. Runners, for example, burn through a lot of this mineral, and can sometimes experience cramps. By eating a banana a day (high in potassium) you can provide your muscles this vital mineral. Plus, make sure you are drinking plenty of clean, filtered water. Reverse osmosis water with a squeeze of fresh lemon is a great type of water to drink.

While leg cramps at night are not fun, know that you can make them no longer necessary. By searching until you discover the cause, you can remove the need for these cramps to occur.

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Detecting Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease appears in five stages, ranging from an early stage with little obvious effect to a final stage where the patient is on life-saving dialysis or awaiting a transplant. Each stage has certain characteristics and means of detection. The more that people know the various signs and effects of being in each stage, the sooner they may get a proper diagnosis from their doctor. Early detection is the best key to effective treatment.

Stage One leaves the patient with 90% kidney function. The person can survive at this level, but it’s still necessary to detect the problem so causes and treatments can be addressed. If they don’t take steps at this point, the disease is very likely to progress to the next level. Stage Two leaves only 60-89% kidney function, as the damage to these organs has increased.

The difficulty is that there are no obvious symptoms of kidney dysfunction at either stage. This may lead to a lack of detection at a crucial time when the disease could have been nipped in the bud, or curtailed before it got much worse. So it’s essential that the person have their regular yearly physical checkups, including urine tests and extensive blood work. Even with no other physical symptoms, these tests can detect:

  1. elevated creatinine levels (which indicate how well the kidneys are filtering out wastes)
  2. elevated protein levels (another indication of inefficiency in filtering wastes)
  3. elevated blood urea nitrogen levels (kidneys take urea from the blood and expel it in the urine, but if the blood levels are high, this is another hint of failing kidneys)

In addition to the potential for early detection with blood and urine tests, high blood pressure is a well known hint of problems with kidney function. In fact, it’s the most often mentioned symptom, which can either cause kidney disease, or be caused by it. So if a person’s blood pressure rises, this can be a spur to doing the urine and blood tests, either to detect kidney disease or rule it out. And all steps (medication, exercise, alterations in diet) must be taken to bring the blood pressure down.

If blood and urine tests indicate a possible problem, doctors can go further and take a kidney biopsy, do a CT scan, or perform an MRI. So even at these early stages, while it’s more difficult, it’s still possible to detect incipient kidney disease. What it takes is vigilance, and thorough, regular checkups.

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