How To Create Your Asthma Action Plan

Using an asthma action plan is very important if your child has moderate to severe asthma or has had a serious asthma attack in the earlier period. Maintaining good everyday control is the solution to keeping symptoms under control and preventing attacks. Having a written plan makes it easier for you to determine whether your child’s asthma is under control and it lets you know precisely what steps to take when it isn’t. Since asthma varies from person to person, you’ll have to work with your doctor to build up a plan that’s adapted for your youngster. Take your asthma action plan to your doctor at your next visit for help with asthma. Your doctor can fill in the precise medications, amounts, and frequency, depending on your peak flow reading (whether green zone, yellow zone, or red zone).

Your asthma action plan should list your kid’s asthma medications and when to take them. Medications usually include daily control medications and as-needed, quick-relief medications such as inhaled albuterol. Make sure you know what medications you have on hand, where they are and how to use them. If your kid has a nebulizer to administer medication in spray form, the asthma action plan should include directions for when to use it.

Asthma action plan should also include a list of triggers that are responsible for asthma symptoms and how to stay away from them. Also it should contain a list of peak flow meter readings and zones based on the person’s personal best reading as well as a list of usual asthma symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, and excess mucus production, and what you should do if these symptoms occur.

In addition your asthma action plan should contain the name and amount of the everyday medication that have to be taken even when your kid does not have asthma symptoms and the name and quantity of the quick-acting or rescue medication that must be taken when your child develop asthma symptoms.

Your asthma program should also contain the name and amount of the reliever medication that have to be taken when your child is having an asthma attack, emergency phone numbers and locations of emergency care and directions concerning when to get in touch with the doctor, whom to call if the doctor is unavailable, and a list of where to obtain emergency asthma treatment.

Your asthma action plan has to be reviewed with your doctor at least once a year. Changes in the plan might be desirable because of changes in peak flow numbers or the medications your kid is taking. Always keep your plan where it can be easily found by you or members of your family.

Posted in Asthma