
What Are Chantix Side Effects?

A range of medicines are available in the market that can help you get rid of nicotine addiction with ease and chantix s one of them. Guys, it s notable that chantix and Zyban are both are approved by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) as effective medications for inducing smoking cessation in adults. However, while using chantix, you may fall prey to a couple of effects triggered off by the medicine. These are especially termed as chantix side effects and some of these are particularly, pain in the head, sleep deprivation, constipation, gas and nausea.

Guys, the side effect yielded by chantix may trouble you to a certain extent but there is no need to worry as these are just temporary effects only and likely to disappear with time. However, it is also notable that as soon as you become a victim of these effects, you should contact the doctor immediately.

To keep chantix side effects at bay, you should take the medication as per the instructions of the physician. Take chantix dosages in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor and never take the medication in larger or smaller doses than instructed by him. This anti smoking drug is to be swallowed along with a glass of water and to extract maximum benefits from chantix use; you have to take it after food.

In case you miss a dose of chantix, you can take it as soon as you remember about it. But never opt for overdoses of chantix as intake of excessive dosages is likely to make you victim of d serious effects such as sore throat, fever, weakness, dizziness et al.

However, before opting for chantix, you should inform the doctor if you are suffering from kidney/heart disorder, problems in blood circulation or if you have a history of mental illness or depression. This medication is indeed effective for quit smoking and before taking chantix, you should inform the doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, it is worth-mentioning that chantix is for adults only and if you want to buy chantix at cost-effective prices, go for chantix online.

You can also purchase the stop smoking aid chantix straightway by visting the drug store located at the nearby market but if you buy chantix online, you would avail the medicine at reduced rates. Also, it is notable that chantix is available on prescription only and hence you can avail chantix only after procuring a chantix prescription from the physician.

So, first of all, get hold of a chantix prescription from the doctor and purchase chantix from authentic online drug stores at cost-effective prices.

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Thai Massage

If you have ever had or seen a massage, it was probably a Swedish massage, which is the most prevalent kind given in the Developed World. However, there is another form known as Thai massage which is catching on. In fact, Thai massage is one of the oldest variations of massage and could well be the oldest.

Thai massage is said in some Buddhist scripts to have been invented 2,500 years ago by Jivaka Komarabhacca, who was GP to Lord Buddha himself. There could well be much truth in that, but the Thai massage we see today is also likely to be a blend of styles from several regions including China and India.

– Thai massage is fairly exhausting, which makes it rather different from other variations of massage and makes it appear to be related to Yoga, although all the bending and stretching is forced upon the receiver by the massage therapist. Besides Yoga-like postures, this form of massage makes use of muscle compression, joint mobilization and acupressure.
– Thai massage can be carried out on a stiff massage bed, but in Thailand it is normally carried out on a thin mattress on the floor. The room might be private or there might be more than one client in there at a time.
– Thai massage is not usually carried out in the nude, but loose hanging clothes are recommended. No oil is used in this kind of massage, but lots of masseurs will use a sort of ‘deep heat’ cream.

A normal Thai massage session will last one or two hours, but can go on for three or more and there might be one or two masseurs working on a patient together.

  • The masseur begins with the feet and is similar to radiology. The masseur will bend and twist one foot at a time, stretch the toes and apply sustained pressure to various points on the sole of the foot.
  • The masseur then moves up the legs working from the front and the back. Thai masseurs employ their hands like most massage therapists, but when they want to apply more pressure, they will also use their elbows, knees and heels. It is simpler to give deep therapy to substantial muscles like those on the back of the thighs with the heels of the feet than with the hands.

The knees and elbows are utilized to massage the spine and the back in general and many masseurs walk on their client’s back to make full use of their weight. A decent masseur will massage you with their toes as they are standing on bones and pressure points in your spine and back. Sometimes they will walk up the backs of the legs too if the muscles are very tight.

Thai massage works with ‘sen’, which resemble but not the same as Chinese meridians. It is known to increase circulation, reduce stress and lower blood pressure and may even reduce weight.

The masseur also works with the arteries ceasing and impeding the flow of blood for short periods of time in order to manipulate the heart ‘from the inside’ so to speak.

Thai massage is very much a healing massage rather than one for light relaxation like Swedish massage, but when you are fit, it can be relaxing too.

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Sleep Hypnosis Tips

Many people think that hypnosis is something that most resembles sleep or being unconscious, but it is a popular misconception. People who undergo hypnosis are fully awake and are just focusing their attention while decreasing their peripheral awareness.

Some researchers say that about 80 to 90 % of all people are hypnotisable. So, if you are one of those who are thinking right now that you cannot undergo a good hypnosis session, you could indeed be wrong. And can you imagine any other form of treatment with this level of success rate?

General Hypnotherapy

The word hypnotherapy marks the use of hypnosis in psychotherapy. It is used by physicians with a licence, psychologists, psychiatrists and others to treat many unhealthy states. Licensed physicians and psychiatrists use hypnosis to treat states like depression, eating disorders, sleep disorders, stress states and compulsive addictive habits, while certified hypnotherapists often treat other bad habits like weight issues and smoking. They will also be able to give you many good sleep hypnosis tips.

Among other treatments you can find treatment of fears and phobias, pain management, psychological therapy, skin disease treatment, relaxation induction, irritable bowel syndrome, sports performance, habit control etc. It might sound unusual that there are other medical and psychotherapeutic uses to hypnosis, like skin disease treatment (hypnodermatolgy), but hypnosis is successfully used to treat warts, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Furthermore, there are implications that show that hypnosis was also investigated for military applications.

The phenomena when a person hypnotises themselves is called self-hypnosis. Most often it involves autosuggestion, a technique that is used to increase motivation for a given goal. On many occasions it is used for dieting, to quit smoking or to reduce stress.

Sleep Disorders and Hypnosis

Hypnosis can greatly improve your sleep disorders. It is common for people to doubt the effectiveness of such treatment for sleep problems, but it is stated that certain types of disorders really respond well to hypnosis. Those include bed wetting, insomnia, nightmares and sleep walking (somnambulism).

If you have problems falling or even staying asleep, a nice hypnosis session might be very helpful. There are many hypnosis sessions recorded by professional hypnotherapists that guide you through a hypnosis session. On-line you can easily find sleep hypnosis tips and test how well you react to the hypnotic process. Later you might even decide to buy a full hypnosis programme for yourself.

Sleep Hypnosis Tips

When you are testing hypnosis or undergoing a full session, you should follow some general sleep hypnosis tips. First of all, you should feel completely relaxed, and this state will come to you more and more easily over time, as you repeat your sessions.

It is important that you settle on your back and close your eyes. Your arms should be aligned with your body without hanging across your body and abdomen. Your legs should be relaxed, so it is best to lay down and make sure there are no interruptions.

Furthermore, good sleep hypnosis tips suggest that when you are comfortable, begin taking deep and long breaths, drawn from the diaphragm. They should feel like you are breathing with your stomach, while you are actually breathing with the lower part of your lungs.

While breathing, work on your muscles. Stretch and flex them, starting with your toes and going up. Release the tension in each part of your body, slowly working on your muscle groups, going up to your shoulders and then down your arms to your fingers.

You should have only one thing in mind – complete relaxation. If you start to wander, intentionally focus on putting that thought aside for a while and focus on your relaxation process.

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For Your Health – Covering Up At The Beach

Out of all of the different options that we tend to have available for recreation, many of them are going to revolve around water. It doesn’t matter if you are going to the local pool or if you are going to be at a lake or even at the beach, there is always going to be something fun about such an outing. Unfortunately, there can also be many different dangers that are involved in this type of recreation, particularly when children are involved. These statistics are rather sobering, with almost 1000 children dying on an annual basis because of drowning, many of them in home swimming pools. Keeping your child safe, therefore, should always be a priority and here are some things that should always be kept in mind.

Although it really should go without saying, supervision is always going to need to be a priority when you have your children around water. This is not only true when you’re out at the local pool, but it is also true in the bathtub. Do not allow your attention to wander in any of these cases, but also give attention to things around the home that could lead to difficulties as well. These would include a toilet bowl, sinks and even small inflatable pools.
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Teaching your child how to swim can also be invaluable and although it is generally recommended that a four-year-old understand how to swim, it never hurts for younger children to learn as well. This is especially the case if you have a pool. Not only can it help to save your child but it can go a long way in giving you peace of mind. Please keep in mind, just because a young child knows how to swim that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are out of danger. Always be sure that you are within arm’s reach anytime water is involved.

It is not only these serious problems that need to be considered when you are around water for you also need to consider the health of your child as well. For example, making sure that they are not getting too much sun is something that is going to be a constant battle on your part. There are some swim shirts available for boys and girls which provide UV protection while at the same time, providing them protection against skin damage for the more active child. These would include shirts that have a rash guard built in.

One other thing that I would like for you to consider is that regardless of the weather, it is important for your child to remain hydrated. If they are around water, you may not consider this as much as if they were in a dryer area but dehydration can take place in either way. Have them drink fluids regularly, particularly when they are sweating or out in the sun. This can help to keep them healthy, happy and comfortable while they are enjoying a day with you outdoors.

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Shingles Symptoms and Treatment for Relief

If you are like most people you probably like to solve a problem and get rid of it, not just keep making it go away for a while only to have it return. That is one reason many people wonder why natural remedies only treat the symptoms of shingles. As you may know, shingles are caused by a virus that also causes chicken pox, an illness that usually only affects children. Shingles, on the other hand, is caused by the same virus, but usually occurs in older people.

Who may have shingles? Almost anyone can have an outbreak of shingles especially if you have lived in parts of the world with a temperate climate and you are over 15 years of age. If you fit into that wide category, you’ve probably been exposed to the virus. Typically, however, only about 1-3 people out of 1,000 in the general population will experience an outbreak of shingles.

Even if it has been years since you had chicken pox, you may still have an outbreak of this painful and aggravating illness because the virus often lies dormant for years, then traveling through the blood, finds its way to the ganglion, nerve endings that serve the skin. It then moves into the dermal layers and manifests s itching, rash, pain. While most commonly found on the torso, it may move to the face and even affect the eyes. So it is a rash and condition that must be taken seriously.

It can cause moderate to severe pain and that is why we treat the symptoms. It is a virus and therefore there is no cure for it, though natural remedies have traditionally been used in Chinese medicine and Western holistic care. One of the more popular natural remedies is tea made from Burdock Root. There are also ointments and salves that contain St. John’s Wort, an anti-inflammatory, which may relieve pain; violet leaf, which may relieve itching, calendula, burdock, & yarrow which may reduce redness and be soothing to the skin.

It would be nice if there was an actual cure for shingles and chicken pox but as of the writing of this article, there isn’t a cure. The best we can do is to try to make those who suffer from shingles comfortable and to offer support. It is said in medicine, “First do no harm.” That is a good motto and the best way to start to treat any ailment, in my opinion, is to start with natural ingredients. Of course, you should always consult a health care professional before undertaking any treatment.

Your doctor may prescribe medicines for your shingles outbreak, but you may also want to use traditional treatments such as those mentioned above, to treat the symptoms.

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Health Benefits of Netting Hammocks

Netting Hammocks

Netting hammocks are positively ‘dynamic’, meaning the hammock netting changes shape to conform to any body shape or size, to provide support with no pressure points. This ability to conform makes netting hammocks the most comfortable and therapeutic hammocks available.

Relaxing in a netting hammock is truly ‘out of this world’ and has to be experienced to be believed. Every part of the body in contact with the hammock netting has support. There are no pressure points and this experience is known as ‘neutral gravity’. This is the closest feeling to the sensation of ‘weightlessness’, available on Terra Firma. In zero gravity, the body will assume a ‘neutral body position’. While relaxing in a reclining hammock chair the netting will provide the body with a level of support which mimics this ‘neutral body position’ – a posture similar to the fetal position, with “head facing slightly forward, shoulders rolled forward, abdominal area slightly bent at the waist and knees slightly bent”.
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Sprang Weaving

Sprang weaving is a technique of weaving developed more than 3,500 years ago which is still in use today by the Maya Indians of Central America to weave netting hammocks. The threads or cords of the hammock are not knotted, which enables the netting to change shape and conform to the users’ body shape. This provides a level of comfort impossible to obtain with Western Furniture, which will always require the body to change shape, to fit the furniture!

Health Benefits

Studies have been done on the therapeutic benefits of relaxing in hammocks. Sufferers of neck and back pain seeking natural remedies rather than medicating pain, are able to gain relief and lessen their discomfort while relaxing in a reclining hammock. This is due to the hammock netting changing shape and supporting the body’s weight evenly, which enables muscular tension and stress held within the body to be released.

It is well known that excess stress is detrimental to health, so anything we can do to reduce stress in our lives, will be beneficial. Relaxing in a hammock recliner is a great way to relieve stress naturally – the gentle swaying motion of the hammock will promote relaxation for body and mind, and reduce anxiety levels.

There are even therapeutic benefits for those who already have good health – studies have also shown that the gentle swaying motion of a hammock stimulates brain activity! Whatever the reason for relaxing in a hammock, be it for therapy or just ‘time out’, try power napping – you will be amazed at the therapeutic benefits available to everyone.

Hammock World netting hammocks are undoubtedly the most comfortable, therapeutic hammocks available. Our Hammock Recliner, together with the Comfort Cushion, which has been custom designed to provide extra comfort, offers total body support with no pressure points.

The hammock netting expands to fit everybody, regardless of body size or shape – customised comfort provides perfect back and lumbar support while offering therapeutic relief from accumulated body stress, muscular tension and back pain discomfort.

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Strength Training Is Ambiguous

I had the great honor to speak with James “The Thinker” Smith on Sunday night. First off, very nice guy. What a source of knowledge as well. Here are some of the key points to our conversation:

Strength training can mean but doesn’t have to be weight training. Weight training is a form of strength training. Read that again if it doesn’t make sense at first glance. The whole goal of training athletes is to improve their performance in their chosen sport or game. You must always think of how you are going to accomplish this. Sometimes, weights are not what is called for. I had some of my guys do a contrast speed day last night and the only ‘weight room’ stuff they did was a superset of TRX rows and walking parking lot lunges at the end. Again, what is going to make them better?

The more advanced an athlete is skill wise (talent), the less they are going to need and be able to handle in the weight room. Their central nervous systems are so advanced that they will simply not require a ton of work to get an adaptation. On the flip side, too much can fry them a lot quicker than it would a lesser athlete. This is why at the professional level of sport, you don’t see as much heavy lifting or lifting in general going on.

You have to think of the CNS as a cup of water. At the beginning of the workout (hopefully), your cup should be full. I say full because it depends on your recovery and recuperation methods up until this point. Actually, you can think of this as a two way cup. If you put any too much of one component in and then try to fit too much of another in, the cup will overflow and this will not be good. If this happens, you did not create a positive adaptation. As well, you only have some much in the CNS tank going into a training session. Once that cup is empty, it is empty. Again, many strength coaches spend 99% of their time on strength work. That is going to leave them 1% for the rest of the skills they may need to work on, including, power, strength endurance, core, flexibility, coordinated movements and so on.

I have about 5 pages of notes from the other night and I am a smarter coach for speaking with Coach Smith. Learn from the best!

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The Danger of Sugar And Fructose

I recently saw a very health conscious 40 year old male who, 6 months before, successfully adopted a low carbohydrate lifestyle losing 20 pounds. Over the last three months, however, he added a morning smoothie with bananas and various “healthy” juices, as well as whey protein.

He has also began eating bananas and apples throughout the day and after work-outs. His recent lab tests show his fasting sugar has increased above 100 mg/dl, his triglycerides have increased by 50 points and his VLDL’s (very low density lipoproteins) doubled.

In addition, his weight loss leveled out and despite working out a lot, gained weight and some fat around the mid-section. Do you wonder what is going on here? He is demonstrating signs of fructose toxicity.

Sugar, or table sugar, is made up of 50 % Fructose and 50% glucose. Juices, apples and bananas have higher concentrations of fructose approaching 60% fructose and 40% glucose. Fructose is a toxin. The metabolism of fructose in the liver causes the elevation of triglycerides, VLDL and acyl-glycerols that get trapped in your liver causing fatty liver changes (elevated uric acid levels that cause Gout and even high blood pressure.)

Fortunately, these changes are rapidly reversed by getting rid of sugars and high fructose foods. So, what is the physiology behind why fructose is really a toxin?

When you eat products containing sugar or high fructose corn syrup, your body breaks it down to glucose and fructose in your intestines. Glucose is used by your brain, muscles, organs systems and even some by the heart, but the heart runs much better on fats.

When glucose hits your liver for metabolism, 80 percent of it is already used by your body, and the remaining 20 % is broken down in the liver. Unfortunately fructose is very different. Fructose is not used by your brain; it is not used by your muscles or any organs in your body.

In fact, it doesn’t even cause insulin levels to go up, and therefore leptins won’t signal your brain that you have plenty of food and are satisfied. So you’re still hungry. It is then transported 100 % intact to the liver for metabolism. And here is the big problem. It overloads your liver’s ability to metabolize substances.

Fructose enters the liver cells and is ultimately converted to 4 main compounds.

  1. The first involves a number of enzyme systems and is called de novo lipogenesis new fat formation. So it is fructose that causes fat formation, NOT fat!
  2. The second produces compounds that gum up the liver resulting in elevated liver enzymes and a condition called fatty liver.
  3. The third is the production of VLDL’s or very low density lipoproteins which are now being considered more atherogenic (arterial plaque producing) than the “bad” LDL’s.

Lastly excess triglycerides are pumped out of the liver resulting in the classic metabolic syndrome lipid abnormalities of high triglycerides, high VLDL’s, and low HDL’s. And it get’s worse. Because of the tremendous load on the liver it causes an increase in uric acid. This is known to cause gout, but another problem with uric acid is that it blocks the relaxation of arterial blood vessels, thus causing hypertension.

So to summarize, what do you call a substance that our body can’t use, and that the only way it is metabolized is through the liver? And the breakdown products result in products that are dangerous to our body? That is the perfect definition for a toxin and fructose is a toxin. So getting control of sugar consumption is a lifesaving goal.

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Moringa Oleifera – The Miracle Tree

It is believed that the most nutritious plant on planet earth is the Moringa Oleifera. Since the Discovery Channel documentary on the Moringa Oleifera ten years ago, people worldwide have taken notice of the powerful botanical and its amazing health benefits. This documentary highlighted the success seen in parts of Africa where people who add dried Moringa leaves into their diet are overcoming malnutrition.

Here are some key facts:

>Moringa is considered to have the highest protein ratio of any plant so far studied on earth.

>Moringa contains 90 nutrients and 46 antioxidants.

>Moringa is referenced in 300 folk medicine remedies.

>Moringa contains 4x the calcium of milk, 4x the vitamin A of carrots, 2x the protein of yogurt, 3x the potassium of bananas, 7x the vitamin C of oranges.

>Nourishes our bodies immune system.

>Promotes healthy circulation.

>Supports normal blood glucose levels.

>Natural anti-aging benefits

>Promotes healthy digestion

>Heightens mental clarity and increases energy

>Moringa is recognized throughout the world as an amazing source of nutrition by The National Geographic Society, The National Science Foundation, The United Nations World Food Program, The National Institute of Health.

>Moringa is found to be exponentially more nutritious in dried form rather than raw.

When we think of starvation and malnutrition around the world we typically think of Africa and India. There are many other countries is which this problem exists. These countries lie in areas where the climate is warm enough to grow Moringa Oleifera. It is puzzling then why malnutrition and starvation still exist. It is because of ignorance and lack of awareness. People are typically unaware that the solution to their problem is growing right in their back yards, so to speak. The more awareness that can be raised, the more Moringa can be used as a solution. There are a number of good organizations taking to task educating people, in these countries, on this miracle tree. If people have nothing else to eat, this tree can keep them alive!

People all over the world need to know about this amazing plant. For example, in North America, people are also malnourished. Not from having too little to eat, but from lack of nutrients in the food supply. This is one of the main reasons for the epidemic of obesity. Poor farming practices, GMO foods, and more are to blame for North America’s malnutrition problem. It is notable that Moringa can be prepared and shipped around the world without losing its efficacy, since it maintains its nutritional value through the drying process.

Think about it, have you ever heard of an edible tree? Many parts of the Moringa tree can be used, from the leaves to the fruit pods. The oil that is pressed out of the seeds can be used for cooking or medicinal uses as well. The left over seed cake from pressing the seeds is able to filter the dirtiest water into pure drinking water. It is no wonder why the Moringa tree has been quoted as a “very giving tree”.

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Why Smoking Harms Women More Than Men

Most people acknowledge what are the effects of smoking but not all people understand that smoking harms women more than men. It is an accepted fact that tobacco has never done anything good to the body, but it seems unfair that women receive more damage for having a daily puff of Dunhill than men.

Here are some of the results of a research made by Lancet about the effects of smoking among women:

  • Women are more prone than men to have heart disease caused by smoking
  • Women receive more carcinogens and toxins from tobacco than men
  • Yet, men are more likely to quit than women
  • The effects of smoking is more prominent in women than in men

The research started from 1966 to 2010 and studied individuals that came from diverse range of populations worldwide. The study received no funding, and the results were consistent. Smoking is more harmful for women because they are more heavily influenced by hormones compared to men. In men, the genes play much more significant role in their bodies.

Women are mostly estrogen-powered; it keeps sexual characteristics and makes them feminine in many ways. It is the estrogen that is responsible for distribution of fats in favorable places like the breasts, hips and buttocks. It is also responsible for menstrual cycles and maintenance of the reproductive tract. Estrogen makes the heart and blood vessels healthy. It stimulates bone formation and prevents its resorption to avoid osteoporosis. In addition, high levels of estrogen are responsible for excellent mood (cranky mood is usually caused by insufficient levels of estrogen, which happens in cases like menopause and during menses).

One of the reasons why smoking harms more women than men is because nicotine (along with harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke) reduces the ability of the body to produce estrogen. Reduced estrogen in the bloodstream is akin to a ‘mini’ menopause. The ‘favored’ fat distribution will be in disarray, piling up fat in places where no woman wants to have such as under the chin, arms and above the hips (lovehandles).

Tobacco abuse can:

— disrupt daily menstrual cycles,
— cause infertility,
— vaginal dryness and increased susceptibility to vaginal infections as the protective secretions dries up.

Long-term tobacco use weakens the bones by inhibiting calcium absorption, causing early onset of osteoporosis.

As said, estrogen plays an important role to keep heart and blood vessels healthy. Estrogen helps increase good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein) while keeping bad cholesterol levels down. And it can be a reason why women are more prone to heart disease the longer they smoke, because nicotine reduces production of heart-friendly estrogen. Therefore smoking increases risk of diseases in heart and blood vessels, especially in women.

Women’s bodies also have more fluid content than men. This is evident by having soft, suppler and clearer skin. It also makes them more sensitive to even slight changes in water levels. Cigarette smoke has a drying effect on the skin, and it constricts tiny blood vessels that nourish the skin with nutrients and water. It prematurely ages the skin, making it less elastic and decreasing its natural protection from the elements. Because of decreased blood circulation cell replacement slows down, causing emergence of dark spots. Nicotine also stains skin cells, which is hard to remove because of slow skin turnover. Women have proportionally more circulating blood than men of the same height and weight therefore this feature explains why women absorb more toxins and carcinogens in each puff of cigarette smoke.

But the big reason why the effects of smoking are more harmful in women than in men is due to their anatomy. It is a fact that women have more complicated bodies; they have mammary glands, uterus and cervix which have no equivalent parts in men. They undergo pregnancy, monthly menstrual periods during reproductive years and menopause when supply of egg cell runs out. These complicated operations require precise actions of different body systems to accomplish. Men do not to undergo such events. Therefore, components in cigarette smoke like toxins and carcinogens can do a lot more damage in women’s bodies.

Sadly, most cigarette cessation programs are not that focused on women. For example, most graphic cigarette warnings only depict damage in men and not on women. And one more thing, tobacco companies are currently increasing its advertisements to women, and sees them as its growth market in advent of increased scrutiny from authorities.

The vast majority of women are never aware of this. Though the research study advocates for increased emphasis in women in tobacco cessation programs, it seems the best recommendation for women is to avoid tobacco altogether. That includes first-hand and second-hand smoke because the effects of smoking in women can be far worse than in men.

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