Natural Sleep Aids To Help You Sleep At Night
A night of restful sleep is vital for good health, so if you’re suffering with insomnia, perhaps one of the many natural sleep aids that are available may help you. Not getting enough sleep can affect many areas of your life, such as rendering you less effective at work and making it difficult to concentrate and remember things. Not getting enough sleep can also create a hazard for those around you, and may eventually lead to serious health issues.
More and more people are turning to natural remedies to relieve common problems instead of manmade drugs that may cause undesirable side effects. In many cases, all natural products are even more effective than a prescribed drug.
One of the most common substances used for the treatment of insomnia is called melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that your body naturally produces at night when it comes time for sleep. Melatonin does induce sleepiness, but reactions to melatonin do vary from one individual to another. It is generally considered safe although it does produce some side effects, such as sleepiness during the daytime, nausea, and headaches.
Another substance that is sold over the counter is called Valerian. Valerian is a herb that can be found in capsules, tablets, and even tea form. Valerian can assist with falling asleep faster and also getting more restful sleep. While small studies have been done regarding the effectiveness of Valerian, they seem to be rather uncontrolled and more work needs to be done. Generally thought to be safe, Valerian may interact with certain medications. As with any new substance you introduce, it’s always wise to check with your doctor first.
One of the most overlooked natural sleep aids is the use of exercise. While regular exercise has long been proven to help with weight reduction and the prevention of certain conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, the effects on sleep patterns is also a great benefit. Studies show that people who exercise 3-4 hours before sleep have an easier time falling asleep, and also obtain a more restful sleep, than people who don’t exercise. Regular exercise can offer enormous benefits in all areas of your life, but don’t overlook a good night’s sleep as one of them.
Many people who suffer from insomnia consider relaxation techniques to be effective in helping them achieve a restful night of sleep. Examples of these techniques include yoga, deep breathing exercises, and muscle relaxation. Developing a peaceful and relaxing routine as you work your way to bedtime may help a great deal. Many of us are extremely busy during the day, and it’s hard to slow down and get out of that type of routine. Reading, listening to calming music, and enjoying a cup of decaffeinated tea are examples of how you might slow the pace at the end of the day.
Natural sleep aids can be a great way to relieve your insomnia without introducing a harsh prescription drug into your daily routine. Some simple modifications in your lifestyle may be all that’s necessary to achieve the restful night of sleep your body desperately needs for optimal health.
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