Start Today and Take Charge of Your Life

In recent years the American people have been brainwashed by the media and pharmaceutical companies to believe symptoms are normal and taking pharmaceutical drugs with multiple side effects or even death is an ordinary part of daily life. People have been led to believe that they cannot or should not take care of themselves and need to see a medical doctor for every little problem they experience and to ask for the drug advertised on the television to take care of their problem. This belief began in the early to mid 1900’s when illnesses like polio and tuberculosis were common. Scientists formulated pharmaceutical drugs which they led people to believe brought these illnesses under control. Doctors (allopathic) were the only ones who could prescribe these drugs (rightly so given the potential for harmful side-effects). This led to people becoming dependent on doctors for resolving all of their health issues, even simple problems, creating a bigger dependency on pharmaceutical drugs.

In 400 BC Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” Thomas Edison, inventor and visionary, said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame and diet, and the causes of disease.”

In today’s world, medical doctors do not have the time or knowledge to teach about nutrition or ways to maintain a healthy body. The training most medical doctors receive seldom includes nutrition content of foods, how to eat healthy or ways to combine foods to obtain the best nutrition, let alone the benefits of herbal supplements. The majority of medical doctors depend on using pharmaceuticals for treating symptoms and illness, not using herbs and supplements to support the body naturally.

The responsibility for our health is ours and ours alone. Putting the burden of responsibility for our everyday health totally on our healthcare providers creates a cycle of dependency. A better solution to health issues is found in a well-balanced personal preventative approach to wellbeing. Once you realize that you can learn how to take care of your own body, you will be set free from a dependency on someone else for all the answers.

When you get a cut on your finger, it is not the bandage that heals the cut – it is your body. Sometimes our bodies need additional help, but in general, if you consistently give your body the nutrition it needs, it will be able to take care of itself.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is to listen to your body and what it is telling you. When you experience a symptom, it is a result of the body telling you that something is wrong and you need to make a change. Vince Lombardi said, “Excellence is achieved in mastery of the fundamentals.” Focus on the fundamentals of good health and over time your listening skills will improve. As you regain health, your communication skills with your body will become more effective.

Rather than thinking of quality products and education as an expense, consider it an investment in your health. Every dollar spent now could save you thousands in missed work, medications, doctor visits, operations, lab work and tests, not to mention pain and suffering. Find someone trained in nutrition and natural health and start learning how to take care of your body today.

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