Mexican Pharmacy: Treatment by Breathing

At breathing, the abdominal muscles shall also take part, give a push, tension to the air and take it out. By breathing properly, one renovates himself and gets rid of both physical and psychic painful states. It is good to breathe in by the left nostril first, by counting from 10-15, then close it and keep the air in your lungs for about 30-40 seconds and then breathe out slowly and rhythmically. When you breathe in through the left nostril, the right must be closed, and while keeping the air, both nostrils shall be closed. These exercises are necessary for all people, especially for those, who deal with mental work. They are necessary for both healthy and ill people.

Breathing exercise: arms are to be opened slowly aside while deeply breathing in, then they are to be raised up, keeping the air. Arms behind the head, slow put them down while breathing out slowly.

Breathing exercise: Slowly raise your arms above your head and breathe in deeply. With the raising of hands, eyes are also lifted up. Hold the air for a while. Slowly put the arms down, breathing out and slowly take the eyes down.

A breathing exercise. Both arms spread aside, horizontally, with open palms facing up.

  1. Inhaling – slowly breathe in air while bending fingers, at which the thumb is to be put over the middle finger and over the forefinger. During that time you are thinking that along with air you are taking in also the love of God. It penetrates into the air and everything, because God penetrates in everything, and God is love.
  2. Holding of the air – as long as it is possible, while thinking that we assimilate love; it penetrates in our entire nature. During the retention of the air, slowly get your arms back with bent fingers and put them on your chest.
  3. Exhaling – slowly stretch your arms aside, horizontally and when they are completely stretched, slowly unbend the fingers. Meanwhile breathe out and think that you send light that comes out of our love in the world.

A breathing exercise. Breathing in – 16 time units, holding of the breath – 16 time units, and breathing out – 32. You will do this three times a day – in the morning, at noon and in the evening by 6 repetitions. You will breathe in through the left nostril, hold the air, and breathe out through the right nostril. You will do this for 2-3 months.

A breathing exercise, the aim of which is to increase your ability for holding air.

You will not use any time units at this exercise. You will breathe in slower and deeper, and then you will hold the air as long as possible, and will breathe out as slowly as you can. The retention time is to be gradually increased: 1 min, 1 1 /2 minutes, 2 minutes, 2 1 /2 minutes, etc.

When you are nervous or angry, do the following exercise: close by the thumb of your right hand the right nostril and breathe in through the left one while silently counting to 7. After that do not take in any more air and silently count to 10. Then close the left nostril and slowly breathe out through the right nostril, counting to 9.

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